Barbeyron T, Kloareg B, L'haridon S, Corre E, Potin P
Zobellia galactanovorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine species of Flavobacteriaceae isolated from a red alga, and classification of [Cytophaga] uliginosa (ZoBell and Upham 1944) Reichenbach 1989 as Zobellia uliginosa gen. nov., comb. nov.
Potin P, Kloareg B, Gall Y, Rochas C, Sanseau A
Purification and characterization of a new k-carrageenase from a marine Cytophaga-like bacterium
Barbeyron T, Kloareg B, Henrissat B, Potin P, Gerard A
The kappa-carrageenase of the marine bacterium Cytophaga drobachiensis. Structural and phylogenetic relationships within family-16 glycoside hydrolases