Strain sc|0026152

Strain numbers

ATCC 27535 = BCRC 14665 = CCRC 14665 = CCUG 24039 = CCUG 24605 = CGMCC 1.2265 = CIP 104167 = DSM 20098 = JCM 7096 = LMG 10503 = LMG 11039 = NCDO 2236 = NCFB 2236 = NCIMB 702236

StrainInfo: SI-ID 9627 T

Bifidobacterium angulatum
Faeces, human
Cultures (21)
LMG 11082 = ATCC 27535 = CCUG 24039 = CCUG 24605 = DSM 20098 = JCM 7096 = LMG 10503 = LMG 11039 = NCFB 2236 = CIP 104167 = CCRC 14665 = NCIMB 702236 = NCDO2236 = KCTC 3236 = AS 1.2265 = CCM 7093 = CECT 5775 = BCRC 14665 = JCM 1221 = CGMCC 1.2265 = VTT E-001481
Other Designations (16)
Mutsioka IV-96 = B677 = LMG 11039T QC 12/03 = LMG 10503Tt1 QC 03/91 = LMG 11082T QC 03/91 = Scardovi B677 = LMG 10503 t1T = V. Scardovi B677 = Mitsuoka IV-96 = B 667 = CUETM 89-12 = CCTM 3064 = BCRC 14665 = BF 56 = LMG 11039T QC 02/91 = LMG 10503 t2T
Sequences (25)
Associated Publications (6)
  • DOI: 10.1016/S0723-2020(83)80033-2
    Lauer E, Kandler O (1983). DNA-DNA Homology, Murein Types and Enzyme Patterns in the Type Strains of the Genus Bifidobacterium
  • DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2672.1990.TB05227.X
    Chevalier P, Roy D, Ward P (1990). Detection of Bifidobacterium species by enzymatic methods.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-42-3-487
    Fujisawa T, Benno Y, Mitsuoka T, Yaeshima T (1992). Taxonomic Study of the Lactobacillus acidophilus Group, with Recognition of Lactobacillus gallinarum sp. nov. and Lactobacillus johnsonii sp. nov. and Synonymy of Lactobacillus acidophilus Group A3 (Johnson et al. 1980) with the Type Strain of Lactobacillus amylovorus (Nakamura 1981)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-40-1-100
    Lauer E (1990). Bifidobacterium gallicum sp. nov. Isolated from Human Feces
  • DOI: 10.1016/S0923-2508(99)80060-6
    Mangin I, Bouhnik Y, Bisetti N, Decaris B (1999). Molecular monitoring of human intestinal Bifidobacterium strain diversity.
  • DOI: 10.1111/J.1574-6968.1998.TB13216.X
    Matsuki T, Oyaizu H, Tanaka R, Watanabe K (1998). Rapid identification of human intestinal bifidobacteria by 16S rRNA-targeted species- and group-specific primers.
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 19 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


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Local history
  • Registered 28 days ago
  • Last modified 19 days ago
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