Strain sc|0026335

Strain numbers

ATCC 7061 = BCRC 11706 = CCM 2144 = CCRC 11706 = CCUG 26015 = CCUG 26016 = CIP 52.67 = DSM 27 = HAMBI 1826 = IAM 12469 = IFO 12092 = JCM 2508 = LMG 18928 = LMG 7132 = NBRC 12092 = NCCB 48024 = NCIB 9369 = NCIMB 9369 = NCTC 10337 = NRIC 1010 = NRRL NRS-272 = VKM B-508

StrainInfo: SI-ID 92134 T

Bacillus pumilus
Cultures (36)
LMG 7132 = ATCC 7061 = CCM 2144 = CECT 29 = DSM 27 = IAM 12469 = IFO 12092 = JCM 2508 = LMG 18928 = NCFB 1766 = NCIB 9369 = NCTC 10337 = CCUG 26015 = CCUG 26016 = NCDO 1766 = CCRC 11706 = NCIMB 9369 = VKM B-508 = LMD 48.24 = CCRC 11065 = NRRL NRS-272 = NCIM 9369 = KCTC 3348 = NBRC 12092 = NCCB 48024 = BCRC 11706 = HAMBI 1826 = BCRC 11065 = CCT 0513 = IAM 14177 = KCTC 3855 = KACC 10917 = CGMCC 1.3533 = VTT E-95572 = IAM 567 = CIP 52.67
Other Designations (32)
NRIC 1010 = VKM 508 = N.R. Smith 272 = LMG 7132t2 = NRS 272 = Smith N.R 272 = CNCM 52.67 = Smith N.R. 272 = Lohnis Kral Gottheil = DSMZ 27 = CCEB 639 = LMG 7132 1 = Gottheil = LMG 7132T QC 5/98 = Smith 272 = OUT 8376 = Lohnis = PCM 1852 = 272 = Logan B0019 = CN 2200 = N.R.Smith272 = 567 = LMG 18928T QC oorspr = Smith N.R., 272 = Gordon 272 = Lohnis Kral Gottheil ATCC7061 = N. R. Smith 272 = LMG18928T QC 3/05 = LMG 18928T QC 4/99 = LMG 7132t1 = LMG 7132 2
Sequences (23)
Associated Publications (2)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-4-3-508
    Knight BCJG, Proom H (1950). A Comparative Survey of the Nutrition and Physiology of Mesophilic Species in the Genus Bacillus
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF00393567
    Shida O, Takagi H, Kadowaki K, Yano H, Komagata K (1996). Differentiation of species in the Bacillus brevis group and the Bacillus aneurinolyticus group based on the electrophoretic whole-cell protein pattern.
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 7 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


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Local history
  • Registered 17 days ago
  • Last modified 7 days ago
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