Yoon J, Schumann P, Oh T, Kim I, Park Y
Marinibacillus campisalis sp. nov., a moderate halophile isolated from a marine solar saltern in Korea, with emended description of the genus Marinibacillus
Yoon J, Schumann P, Oh T, Kang S
Jeotgalibacillus salarius sp. nov., isolated from a marine saltern, and reclassification of Marinibacillus marinus and Marinibacillus campisalis as Jeotgalibacillus marinus comb. nov. and Jeotgalibacillus campisalis comb. nov., respectively
Chen Y, Chen Q, Li W, Peng D, Zhang D, Tang S, Peng Q, Zhang Y
Jeotgalibacillus soli sp. nov., isolated from non-saline forest soil, and emended description of the genus Jeotgalibacillus
Yaakop AS, Goh KM, Chan K, Kahar UM, Kon WC, Ee R
Isolation of Jeotgalibacillus malaysiensis sp. nov. from a sandy beach, and emended description of the genus Jeotgalibacillus