Strain sc|0028330

StrainInfo: SI-ID 252 T

Campylobacter coli
Human, cerebrospinal fluid (BE)
Cultures (25)
LMG 1035 = ATCC 19004 = LMG 10565 = LMG 6440 = ATCC 33559 = CCUG 11283 = CCUG 14540 = DSM 4689 = JCM 2529 = LMG 15999 = LMG 8847 = NCTC 11366 = LMG 9860 = CCUG 19508 = CIP 7080 = CCUG 17626 = CCUG 15024 = CIP 70.80 = CIP 70.29 = ACM 4983 = CCM 7376 = CNCTC 7377 = VTT E-991076 = CECT 8205 = DSM 25618
Other Designations (23)
320 = NIPH 519 = RUH 2206 = Courtieu 57.071.228 = A.Florent 1407 = LMG 6440TQC4/98 = NIAH 1042 = 1407 = Bouvet and Grimont 25 = Hugh 2425 = Florent 1407 = PC 349 = LCDC 1213 = R. Hugh 2425 = Penner PC349 = Dijkshoorn 2206 = 57.071.228 = WDCM 00072 = Brussels = Dijkshoorn serial no. 55 = LMG 6440QC2/97 = NCDC KC739 = KCTC 15212
Sequences (48)
Associated Publications (16)
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.02486-0
    Carr EL, Kämpfer P, Patel BKC, Seviour RJ, Gürtler V (2003). Seven novel species of Acinetobacter isolated from activated sludge
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-44-3-553
    Dewhirst FE, Seymour C, Fraser GJ, Paster BJ, Fox JG (1994). Phylogeny of Helicobacter Isolates from Bird and Swine Feces and Description of Helicobacter pametensis sp. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-44-4-842
    Ursing JB, Owen RJ, Lior H (1994). Proposal of Minimal Standards for Describing New Species of the Family Campylobacteraceae
  • DOI: 10.1128/JCM.32.5.1238-1245.1994
    Fox JG, Gorelick PL, Collins MJ, Dewhirst FE, Yan L, Paster BJ, Ward JM, Tully JG, Taylor NS (1994). Helicobacter hepaticus sp. nov., a microaerophilic bacterium isolated from livers and intestinal mucosal scrapings from mice
  • DOI: 10.1128/JCM.33.7.1691-1698.1995
    Wesley IV, Dewhirst FE, Baetz AL, Paster BJ, Schroeder-tucker L (1995). Arcobacter-specific and Arcobacter butzleri-specific 16S rRNA-based DNA probes
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-45-3-592
    Stonnet V, Bizet C, Guesdon J, Harmant C (1995). Characterization of the Type Strain of Campylobacter coli, CIP 70.80, by Plasmid Typing
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-35-2-189
    Roop RM, Smibert RM, Krieg NR, Johnson JL (1985). Campylobacter mucosalis (Lawson, Leaver, Pettigrew, and Rowland 1981) comb. nov.: Emended Description
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.017152-0
    Vandamme P, Debruyne L, De brandt E, Falsen E (2010). Reclassification of Bacteroides ureolyticus as Campylobacter ureolyticus comb. nov., and emended description of the genus Campylobacter
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-35-3-342
    Neill SD, Ellis WA, Campbell JN, O'brien JJ, Weatherup STC (1985). Taxonomic Position of Campylobacter cryaerophila sp. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-23-2-122
    Veron M, Chatelain R (1973). Taxonomic Study of the Genus Campylobacter Sebald and Veron and Designation of the Neotype Strain for the Type Species, Campylobacter fetus (Smith and Taylor) Sebald and Veron
  • DOI: 10.1128/JCM.32.1.82-86.1994
    Seifert H, Schulze A, Baginski R, Pulverer G (1994). Plasmid DNA fingerprinting of Acinetobacter species other than Acinetobacter baumannii
  • DOI: 10.1093/GBE/EVU225
    Touchon M, Krizova L, Yoon EJ, Lambert T, Murphy C, Grillot-Courvalin C, Courvalin P, Nemec A, Wortman J, Cerqueira GC, Cury J, Clermont D, Rocha EP, Feldgarden M (2014). The genomic diversification of the whole Acinetobacter genus: origins, mechanisms, and consequences.
  • DOI: 10.1016/J.RESMIC.2011.02.006
    Nemec A, Krizova L, Brisse S, Van der reijden TJ, Deschaght P, Passet V, Vaneechoutte M, Maixnerova M, Dijkshoorn L (2011). Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus–Acinetobacter baumannii complex with the proposal of Acinetobacter pittii sp. nov. (formerly Acinetobacter genomic species 3) and Acinetobacter nosocomialis sp. nov. (formerly Acinetobacter genomic species 13TU)
  • DOI: 10.1128/AAC.01261-13
    Périchon B, Krizova L, Walewski V, Goussard S, Murphy C, Courvalin P, Nemec A, Wortman J, Cerqueira G, Clermont D, Feldgarden M (2014). Identification of 50 class D β-lactamases and 65 Acinetobacter-derived cephalosporinases in Acinetobacter spp.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-36-2-228
    Bouvet PJM, Grimont PAD (1986). Taxonomy of the Genus Acinetobacter with the Recognition of Acinetobacter baumannii sp. nov., Acinetobacter haemolyticus sp. nov., Acinetobacter johnsonii sp. nov., and Acinetobacter junii sp. nov. and Emended Descriptions of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Acinetobacter lwoffii
  • DOI: 10.1016/J.SYAPM.2009.03.004
    Peix A, Martínez-molina E, Rodríguez-barrueco C, Velázquez E, Spröer C, Verbarg S, Lang E, Santa-regina I, Rivas R, Mateos PF (2009). Acinetobacter strains IH9 and OCI1, two rhizospheric phosphate solubilizing isolates able to promote plant growth, constitute a new genomovar of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
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  • Last modified 2 months ago
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