Strain sc|0029037

This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 13743

Pseudomonas oleovorans (not Rodentibacter pneumotropicusT)
Mouse, lung (US)
Cultures (37)
LMG 4224 = ATCC 35149 = CCM 5775 = CCUG 12398 = NCTC 8141 = LMG 1225 = ATCC 17440 = CCUG 726 = CECT 318 = JCM 5968 = NCIB 9946 = NCPPB 1971 = NCTC 10860 = CIP 6614 = IMET 11177 = CCRC 11902 = NCIMB 9946 = IFO14167 = CCM 3467 = VKM B-1300 = CIP 66.14 = CFBP 2435 = AS 1.1806 = NBRC 14167 = NCCB 76045 = LMD 76.45 = BCRC 11902 = NCAIM B.01176 = NCAIM B.02048 = NCIM 2864 = CCUG 51525 = JCM 14074 = CIP 66.16 = CGMCC 1.1806 = VTT E-012029 = DSM 50188 = DSM 21403
Other Designations (38)
DEB-5820 = ICPB 3982 = Stanier 63 = Kosako 85010 = CCTM La 1859 = P. Thibault X-59 = USCC 2518 = ICPB 2750-63 = CCEB 851 = NCTC 10860 X-59 = R-16972 = DEB-2704 = CNCTC Ps 160/78 = USCC 2216 = SSI P421 = DEB-4248 = DSMZ 50188 = MCCM 00234 = Thibault X-59 = P 421 = ICPB2750-3 = DEB-2234 = R.Y. Stanier 63 = Palleroni # 63 = KM 363 = DEB-9409 = DEB-5844 = X-59 = DEB-3572 = Palleroni 63 = Frederiksen P 421 = CEB 3296.24 = CCTM 1859 = ThibaultX-59 = Jawetz M 8.19.48 = LMG 1873 = X 59 = IFO 14167
Sequences (31)
Associated Publications (9)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-43-2-159
    Stanier RY, Palleroni NJ, Doudoroff M (1966). The Aerobic Pseudomonads a Taxonomic Study
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-42-1-107
    Willems A, Gillis M, Kersters K, Thielemans S, Goor M, De ley J (1992). Transfer of Several Phytopathogenic Pseudomonas Species to Acidovorax as Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae subsp. nov., comb. nov., Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli, Acidovorax avenae subsp. cattleyae, and Acidovorax konjaci
  • DOI: 10.1078/0723-2020-00114
    Diard S, Ageron E, Bouvet OM, Grimont PA, Guérin P, Langlois V, Carlier J (2002). Accumulation of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from Octanoate in Different Pseudomonas Belonging to the rRNA Homology Group I
  • DOI: 10.1007/S00284-009-9540-6
    Saha R, Spröer C, Beck B, Bagley S (2009). Pseudomonas oleovorans subsp. lubricantis subsp. nov., and Reclassification of Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes ATCC 17440T as Later Synonym of Pseudomonas oleovorans ATCC 8062T
  • DOI: 10.1016/S0934-8840(11)80489-5
    Dewhirst FE, Fraser GJ, Paster BJ, Olsen I (1993). Phylogeny of the pasteurellaceae as determined by comparison of 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid sequences
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJSEM.0.002229
    Oren A, Garrity GM (2017). Notification that new names of prokaryotes, new combinations, and new taxonomic opinions have appeared in volume 67, part 6, of the IJSEM
  • DOI: 10.1093/INFDIS/86.2.172
    Jawetz E (1950). A Pneumotropic Pasteurella of Laboratory Animals. I. Bacteriological and Serological Characteristics of the Organism
  • DOI: 10.1093/INFDIS/86.2.184
    Jawetz E, Baker WH (1950). A Pneumotropic Pasteurella of Laboratory Animals. II. Pathological and Immunological Studies with the Organism
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJSEM.0.001866
    Adhikary S, Christensen H, Kuhnert P, Waberschek T, Bisgaard M, Aalbæk B, Nicklas W, Korczak B, Boot R (2017). Rodentibacter gen. nov. including Rodentibacter pneumotropicus comb. nov., Rodentibacter heylii sp. nov., Rodentibacter myodis sp. nov., Rodentibacter ratti sp. nov., Rodentibacter heidelbergensis sp. nov., Rodentibacter trehalosifermentans sp. nov., Rodentibacter rarus sp. nov., Rodentibacter mrazii and two genomospecies
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  • Registered 18 days ago
  • Last modified 8 days ago
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