Kämpfer P, Jäckel U, Andersson MA, Salkinoja-salonen M
Teichococcus ludipueritiae gen. nov. sp. nov., and Muricoccus roseus gen. nov. sp. nov. Representing Two New Genera of the α-1 Subclass of the Proteobacteria
Sanchez-porro C, Gallego V, Busse H, Kampfer P, Ventosa A
Transfer of Teichococcus ludipueritiae and Muricoccus roseus to the genus Roseomonas, as Roseomonas ludipueritiae comb. nov. and Roseomonas rosea comb. nov., respectively, and emended description of the genus Roseomonas
Venkata ramana V, Sasikala C, Takaichi S, Ramana CV
Roseomonas aestuarii sp. nov., a bacteriochlorophyll-a containing alphaproteobacterium isolated from an estuarine habitat of India