Vandamme P, Segers P, Tytgat R, Rossau R, Falsen E, Hoste B, De ley J
Revision of Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and Wolinella Taxonomy: Emendation of Generic Descriptions and Proposal of Arcobacter gen. nov.
Dewhirst FE, Seymour C, Fraser GJ, Paster BJ, Fox JG
Phylogeny of Helicobacter Isolates from Bird and Swine Feces and Description of Helicobacter pametensis sp. nov.
Fox JG, Gorelick PL, Collins MJ, Dewhirst FE, Yan L, Paster BJ, Ward JM, Tully JG, Taylor NS
Helicobacter hepaticus sp. nov., a microaerophilic bacterium isolated from livers and intestinal mucosal scrapings from mice
Stucki U, Frey J, Nicolet J, Burnens AP
Identification of Campylobacter jejuni on the basis of a species-specific gene that encodes a membrane protein
Vandamme P, Kersters K, Dewhirst FE, Paster BJ, Moss CW, Daneshvar MI, Goossens H
Chemotaxonomic Analyses of Bacteroides gracilis and Bacteroides ureolyticus and Reclassification of B. gracilis as Campylobacter gracilis comb. nov.