Robert-pillot A, Baron S, Lesne J, Fournier J, Quilici M
Improved specific detection of Vibrio cholerae in environmental water samples by culture on selective medium and colony hybridization assay with an oligonucleotide probe
Oren A, Garrity GM
Notification that new names of prokaryotes, new combinations and new taxonomic opinions have appeared in volume 67, part 3, of the IJSEM
Borrego JJ, Paillard C, Ventosa A, Maes P, Luque A, Garcia MT, Castro D
Vibrio tapetis sp. nov., the Causative Agent of the Brown Ring Disease Affecting Cultured Clams
Balboa S, Romalde JL
Multilocus sequence analysis of Vibrio tapetis, the causative agent of Brown Ring Disease: Description of Vibrio tapetis subsp. britannicus subsp. nov
Levican A, Poblete-morales M, Romalde JL, Avendaño-herrera R, Irgang R, Lasa A
Isolation of Vibrio tapetis from two native fish species (Genypterus chilensis and Paralichthys adspersus) reared in Chile and description of Vibrio tapetis subsp. quintayensis subsp. nov.