Strain sc|0038463

StrainInfo: SI-ID 4886 T

Rhodococcus rhodochrousT
Cultures (26)
LMG 5365 = ATCC 13808 = DSM 43241 = IMET 7374 = JCM 3202 = NCIB 11147 = NCTC 10210 = NRRL B-16536 = CIP 104376 = NCIMB 11147 = NRRL B-2149 = VKM Ac-1227 = IFO 16069 = VKM Ac-1338 = IMET 7344 = KCTC 9086 = CCUG 47165 = NBRC 16069 = CECT 5749 = HAMBI 1959 = BCRC 16333 = CCRC 16333 = IAM 15167 = CGMCC 1.2348 = CGMCC 4.1815 = CGMCC 4.1147
Other Designations (20)
IEGM 62 = N54 = LMG5365T QC 2/04 = Gordon 372 = Goodfellow N54 = KMRh = 372 = IMRU 732 = IMRU 372 = CCUG47165 = JCM = BreedKMRh Gordon372 = NRRL B-B-16536 = Breed KM Rh = Breed KMRh = MTCC 265 = ICPB 4420 = Rutgers 372 = KCC A-0202 = IFM 0163
Sequences (20)
Associated Publications (16)
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 14 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


Cannonical URL
Local history
  • Registered 24 days ago
  • Last modified 14 days ago
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