Ahmed I, Yamazoe A, Yokota A, Fujiwara T
Proposal of Lysinibacillus boronitolerans gen. nov. sp. nov., and transfer of Bacillus fusiformis to Lysinibacillus fusiformis comb. nov. and Bacillus sphaericus to Lysinibacillus sphaericus comb. nov.
Jung MY, Paek J, Styrak I, Kim HL, Paek WK, Chang Y, Sin Y, Kim H, Park I, Park KA, Kim J
Description of
Lysinibacillus sinduriensis
sp. nov., and transfer of
Bacillus massiliensis
Bacillus odysseyi
to the genus
Lysinibacillus massiliensis
comb. nov. and
Lysinibacillus odysseyi
comb. nov. with emended description of the genus
Zhao F, Chen R, Feng Y, Zhang J, Lin X
Lysinibacillus alkaliphilus sp. nov., an extremely alkaliphilic bacterium, and emended description of genus Lysinibacillus