Aquatic Science


Oxygen Uptake Rate as an Indicator of the Substrates Utilized by Candidatus Accumulibacter

Dorofeev et al. (2023). Water 15 (20)
Candidatus Accumulibacter belongs to phosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) which exhibit a cyclic metabolism and are capable of intracellular polyphosphate accumulation and their hydrolysis under feast-famine anaerobic-aerobic cycling. In consortia of activated sludge microorganisms, these bacteria are responsible for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). The spectrum of the substrates used by Ca. Accumulibacter remains insufficiently studied. It was investigated by measuring the oxyg

High Abundance of Candidatus Arthromitus in Intestinal Microbiota of Seriolella violacea (Palm Ruff) under Reared Conditions

Romero et al. (2023). Fishes 8 (2)
Ca. Arthromitus
Intestinal microbiota has been involved in several processes that benefit the host, such as digestion, nutrient metabolism, resistance to pathogens colonization and immune function. In this study, we investigated the diversity, composition and functional prediction of microbiota of reared Seriolella violacea (palm ruff) in the same cohort sampled at different times (7-, 8- and 9-month-old). Microbial community structure analyses, using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, revealed that the intestinal m

An updated classification of cyanobacterial orders and families based on phylogenomic and polyphasic analysis

Strunecký et al. (2023). Journal of Phycology 59 (1)
Perforafilum Laspinema Aphanizomenaceae Vampirovibrionophyceae Leptolyngbya Leptolyngbyales Cyanophyceae Geminocystaceae Chroococcales Rivulariaceae Rivularia Synechococcaceae Nostocaceae Nostocales Chroococcus Gomontiellaceae Gomontiella Gomontiellales Microcystaceae Coelomoron Pseudanabaena Asterocapsa Chroococcaceae Chalicogloea Mantellum Woronichinia Cyanonephron Pannus Cyanocatena Cyanogranis Cyanotetras Siphonosphaera Coelosphaeriopsis Synechocystis Cyanoaggregatum Eucapsis Crocosphaera Aphanocapsa Coelosphaerium Gloeothece Cyanostylon Entophysalis Hormothece Dzensia Pseudoncobyrsa Merismopedia Cyanogastrum Phormidium Ancylothrix Microcoleus Microcoleaceae Prochlorococcus Aliinostoc Nodulariaceae Spirulina Spirulinaceae Spirulinales Gloeobacterales Dapis Heteroleibleinia
Cyanobacterial taxonomy is facing a period of rapid changes thanks to the ease of 16S rRNA gene sequencing and established workflows for description of new taxa. Since the last comprehensive review of the cyanobacterial system in 2014 until 2021, at least 273 species in 140 genera were newly described. These taxa were mainly placed into previously defined orders and families although several new families were proposed. However, the classification of most taxa still relied on hierarchical relatio

Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae en Amblyomma parvum parasitando humanos en un refugio forestal de gran altitud dentro del bioma Caatinga, Brasil

Acosta et al. (2022). Revista MVZ Córdoba 27 (2)
Ca. Rickettsia andeanae
Objetivo. Informe sobre especies de garrapatas que parasitan a los humanos en un área del bioma semiárido de Caatinga, noreste de Brasil, con nota de infección por rickettsias. Materiales y métodos. Todas las garrapatas se identificaron morfológicamente con estereomicroscopio. Algunas de las garrapatas recolectadas se analizaron molecularmente para detectar la presencia de ADN de bacterias del género Rickettsia. Las garrapatas se sometieron individualmente a la extracción de ADN (gen de la citra

Introducing Petrachlorosaceae fam. nov., Petrachloros gen. nov. and Petrachloros mirabilis sp. nov. (Synechococcales, Cyanobacteria) Isolated from a Portuguese UNESCO monument

Soares et al. (2022). Journal of Phycology 58 (2)
The Synechococcales is a large cyanobacterial order comprising both unicellular and filamentous forms, with parietal thylakoid arrangement. Previously, this order has been the subject of taxonomic revisions with new families being erected. During studies of the phototrophic communities on the limestone walls of the Old Cathedral of Coimbra (UNESCO monument), a coccoid Aphanocapsa‐like cyanobacterium was isolated. It was characterized using a polyphasic approach, based on morphology, 16S rRNA phy

16S rRNA gene sequences of Candidatus Methylumidiphilus (Methylococcales), a putative methanotrophic genus in lakes and ponds

Rissanen et al. (2022). Aquatic Microbial Ecology 88
Ca. Methylumidiphilus Ca. Methylumidiphilus alinenensis
A putative novel methanotrophic genus, Candidatus Methylumidiphilus (Methylococcales), was recently shown to be ubiquitous and one of the most abundant methanotrophic genera in water columns of oxygen-stratified lakes and ponds in boreal and subarctic areas. However, it has probably escaped detection in many previous studies that used 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing due to insufficient database coverage, as previously analysed metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) affiliated with Ca. Methylumidi