General Medicine


Diversity of the ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma fraxini’ isolates that infect urban trees in Bogotá, Colombia

Franco-Lara et al. (2020). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (12)
Ca. Phytoplasma asteris Ca. Phytoplasma fraxini
Phytoplasmas have been associated with a disease that affects trees of at least 11 species from different botanic families in Bogotá, Colombia. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma fraxini’ are the major groups of phytoplasma in the area of Bogotá. In this study, the genetic diversity within ‘Ca. P. asteris’ and ‘Ca. P. fraxini’ was studied in five urban tree species: Croton species (Euphorbiaceae), Fraxinus uhdei (Oleaceae), Magnolia grandiflora (Magnoliaceae), Populus n

Sec-Delivered Effector 1 (SDE1) of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Promotes Citrus Huanglongbing

Clark et al. (2020). Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions® 33 (12)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Sec-delivered effector 1 (SDE1) from the huanglongbing (HLB)-associated bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ was previously characterized as an inhibitor of defense-related, papain-like cysteine proteases in vitro and in planta. Here, we investigated the contributions of SDE1 to HLB progression. We found that SDE1 expression in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana caused severe yellowing in mature leaves, reminiscent of both ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’ infection symptoms and accelerated leaf se

Proposal to reclassify the proteobacterial classes Deltaproteobacteria and Oligoflexia, and the phylum Thermodesulfobacteria into four phyla reflecting major functional capabilities

Waite et al. (2020). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (11)
Myxococcia Polyangiia Pseudobdellovibrionaceae Bdellovibrionota Oligoflexia “Desulfofervidales” Ca. Desulfofervidaceae Ca. Desulfofervidus “Desulfofervidia” Ca. Magnetomorum “Magnetomoraceae” “Adiutricaceae” Ca. Adiutrix Myxococcota “Adiutricales”
The class Deltaproteobacteria comprises an ecologically and metabolically diverse group of bacteria best known for dissimilatory sulphate reduction and predatory behaviour. Although this lineage is the fourth described class of the phylum Proteobacteria , it rarely affiliates with other proteobacterial classes and is freque

List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) moves to the DSMZ

Parte et al. (2020). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (11)
“Adiutricales” “Desulfofervidales”
The List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) was acquired in November 2019 by the DSMZ and was relaunched using an entirely new production system in February 2020. This article describes in detail the structure of the new site, navigation, page layout, search facilities and new features.

‘Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus’ SDE1 Effector Induces Huanglongbing Chlorosis by Downregulating Host DDX3 Gene

Zhou et al. (2020). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (21)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus Liberibacter
‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas) is the pathogenic bacterium that causes the disease Huanglongbing (HLB) in citrus and some model plants, such as Nicotiana benthamiana. After infection, CLas releases a set of effectors to modulate host responses. One of these critical effectors is Sec-delivered effector 1 (SDE1), which induces chlorosis and cell death in N. benthamiana. In this study, we revealed the DEAD-box RNA helicase (DDX3) interacts with SDE1. Gene silencing study revealed that k

Trehalose as an osmolyte in Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis

de Graaff et al. (2020). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 105 (1)
“Accumulibacter phosphatis”
Abstract Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis is an important microorganism for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). In a previous study, we found a remarkable flexibility regarding salinity, since this same microorganism could thrive in both freshwater- and seawater-based environments, but the mechanism for the tolerance to saline conditions remained unknown. Here, we identified and described the role of trehalose as an osmolyte in Ca. Accumulibacter p