Farham, M


Detection of citrus vein phloem degeneration disease (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticum) in orange cv. Selayar, Citrus reticulata L

Patandjengi et al. (2023). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1192 (1)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Abstract CVPD disease (Huanglongbing) is the most severe citrus disease caused by the bacterium Cand. Liberibacter asiaticus. This pathogen lives in the phloem tissue of citrus plants and is transmitted through the vector Diaphorina citri and by grafting. The study aimed to know the presence of CVPD disease in Orange cv Selayar nurseries and mother tree gardens in the Selayar Islands Regency. The PCR test was carried out in the research using the Laboratory of Agricultural Biotech