Genome sc|0001443


NCBI Assembly




NCBI Assembly:GCA_023248415.1
Metagenome-Assembled Genome (MAG)
Estimated Quality Metrics
  • Completeness: 94.66%
  • Contamination: 2.98%
  • Quality: 79.76
Ribosomal and transfer RNA genes
  • 0 16S rRNAs
  • 0 23S rRNAs
  • tRNAs for 20 amino acids
Sequencing depth
5.0 ×
Other features
  • G+C Content: 40.62%
  • Coding Density: 90.54%
  • Codon Table: 11
  • N50: 12,340 bp
  • Contigs: 361
  • Largest Contig: 36,130 bp
  • Assembly Length: 3,001,706 bp
  • Ambiguous Assembly Fraction: 0.21%
Submitter comments
The genome quality assessment (GC content, and completeness and contamination estimates) is from GTDB (release 214). Coverage was determined by mapping trimmed metagenomic reads to a dereplicated set of MAGs generated from groundwater samples, including nzgw271, using bowtie2 v2.3.2 (-n 1 -l 222 –minins 200 –maxins 800 –best). Reads were trimmed by first removing adapters using cutadapt, and then trimmed low quality bases with sickle (Phred score >= 30; length >=80 bp). 
Automated checks

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