Genome sc|0001698


NCBI Assembly




NCBI Assembly:GCA_009992655.1
Metagenome-Assembled Genome (MAG)
Estimated Quality Metrics
  • Completeness: 85.0%
  • Contamination: 0.68%
  • Quality: 81.6
Ribosomal and transfer RNA genes
  • 1 16S rRNA (up to 100.0%)
  • 1 23S rRNA (up to 100.0%)
  • tRNAs for 18 amino acids
Sequencing depth
1000.0 ×
Other features
  • G+C Content: 32.0%
  • Coding Density: 79.61%
  • Codon Table: 11
  • N50: 9,132 bp
  • Contigs: 223
  • Largest Contig: 35,706 bp
  • Assembly Length: 1,480,107 bp
  • Ambiguous Assembly Fraction: 0.024%
Submitter comments
We are aware of the fact that the genome is highly fragmented and is of low completeness. This has some biological reasons that I would like to explain here and based on which I'd like to receive an exemption for this submission.
a) The genome completeness is low because this is a deep-branching organism. We currently have a manuscript in preparation with the first complete genome and a genome in 5 contigs, both of which have a completeness of about 90%. Previous investigations have shown that there are multiple fused marker genes which are one reason for the low completeness.
b) The fragmentation of the genome is due to transposon propagation in the genome. We identified >30 transposons in the complete genome (manuscript in preparation) which results in fragmented assemblies. Yet, our assemblies have several thousand fold coverage and we are quite certain that we our genome analysis is fairly complete.
Automated checks

Sample Metadata

Collection Date: 2015-05-29
Lat Lon: 38.9383 N 110.1342 W
Geo Loc Name: USA: Utah, Crystal Geyser near Green River
Sample Type: metagenomic assembly
Isolation Source: subsurface aquifer
Gold Ecosystem Classification: Environmental | Aquatic | Deep subsurface | Groundwater | Unclassified
Not detected
Ncbi Submission Package: Microbe.1.0Metagenome.environmental.1.0
Biosamplemodel: Microbe, viral or environmental • Metagenome or environmental
All retrieved samples

Metadata retrieved 4 months ago

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