This genome is currently not registered as the nomenclatural type or the
reference genome of any names in the Registry, and it will be purged from
the database soon unless it is linked to a name
Completeness and redundancy values were determined using checkM v1.1.3
The presence of tRNA elements was assessed using prokka v1.14.6
The presence of rRNA fragments was assessed using prokka v1.14.6 and barrnap v0.9
The sequencing depth of the MAG was assessed using samtools v1.17. Readmapping of the MAG was conducted against the metagenome from which it was recovered, and depth was determined using samtools coverage. The reported "mean depth" per contig was then averaged to get the depth of the entire MAG
This genome was automatically retrieved and processed using MiGA
(The Microbial Genomes Atlas) [1], and the estimate has not been
overridden by the submitter.