Metagenomes were assembled with megahit (Li et al. 2015), and contigs >1kb were then reassembled with SPAdes (Bankevich et al. 2012). Contigs >5kb were then used for binning Thiocapsa MAGs, which were obtained with metabat2 (Kang et al. 2019). Then, these MAGs were analyzed with CheckM (Parks et al. 2015) to estimate contamination and completeness, keeping only five genomes with <1% contamination and >99% completeness as assessed with family Chromatiaceae markers from the same package. Additionally, genomes were classified as a novel Thiocapsa sp. with the last version of GTDB-tk (Parks et al. 2018).
The isolation source of this species was the freshwater lake Lagunillo de Cardenillas (Cuenca, Spain). The type strain is Thiocapsa roseolacustris strain N5-Cardenillas. It is gram negative with cells of approximately 1.5 μm length and 0.8 μm width ± 0.2 μm. It possesses a mol% G + C content of 63.4%. The genome recovered as a MAG has 6,229,630 bp. MAGs representing composite clones within the same species are available at NCBI-GenBank (Biosample numbers SAMN40716411-SAMN40716415).