Genome sc|0000397


NCBI Assembly




NCBI Assembly:CP125803
Metagenome-Assembled Genome (MAG)
Estimated Quality Metrics
  • Completeness: 70.4%
  • Contamination: 2.6%
  • Quality: 57.4
Ribosomal and transfer RNA genes
  • 1 16S rRNA (up to 100.0%)
  • 8 23S rRNAs (up to 100.0%)
  • tRNAs for 21 amino acids
Sequencing depth
312.5 ×
Other features
  • G+C Content: 31.0%
  • Coding Density: 89.5%
  • Codon Table: 4
  • N50: 446,099 bp
  • Contigs: 1
  • Largest Contig: 446,099 bp
  • Assembly Length: 446,099 bp
  • Ambiguous Assembly Fraction: 0.045%
Submitter comments
Annotation was performed using classic RAST version 2.0. Other metrics were estimated using CheckM version 1.1.3. The estimated completeness is an underestimate because this is a highly reduced genome of a symbiotic bacterium and is missing many genes that are normally found in Mollicutes. The genome is likely to be complete since it forms a singular circular scaffold and no accessory plasmids were detected. RAST annotations suggest 8 LSU rRNA genes/fragments. This is supported by RNAseq reads that map to multiple copies. 
Automated checks

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