Guide: How do I use dictionary lookups?

Activating dictionary lookups in the etymology table

Once you have created a name, when you edit the etymology (or in the etymology sandbox) you will see a table containing five columns: Component, Language, Grammar, Particle, and Description or translation. In addition, once you fill up any Particle field, a new button will appear at the end of the row for the corresponding component. Click on that button to begin the dictionary lookup of that particle. If you want to lookup a different word, simply modify the particle and click the button again. There is no need to save the etymology, the system will lookup the word you have written even if the etymology change has not been saved. a small message should open querying the dictionary and displaying the lookup results.

Grammatical analyses

The first section of the lookup message is the grammatical analysis of the particle automatically parsed by the Registry on the basis of the results provided by Perseus Digital Library. All the grammar strings provided could be correct on the basis of the particle provided, so please consider carefully which one corresponds to the term as you would like to use it. In this list you will also see each entry accompanied by the "use" button. When you identify the appropriate grammar, click on "use" to automatically copy the grammar string into the corresponding field.

Next to each particle in the list, you will also see in parenthesis a link indicating the corresponding entry in the dictionary. Clicking this word will update the next section with the definition of the appropriate term. The grammatical analyses corresponding to the active definition below are indicated with a bold link.


The next section in the lookup message is dictionary definitions. The title of this section indicates the source (dictionary) used, then you should see a list of short definitions with a "use" button next to each entry, and below the complete definition as found in the source dictionary. The list at the top is the result of automated parsing, and sometimes might have some mistakes, so please review carefully which (if any) you would like to adopt as the definition of the particle. You can simply click on "use" to copy the definition into the corresponding field of the etymology table. Underneath the list you will see a box with the original definition found in the source dictionary.

If you want to switch to a different source dictionary, simply select the new source in the title dropdown menu. The entire section will be automatically updated when the source is changed.

Term not found

Often particles used to form new names are derived from non-standard Latin sources, such as Neo Latin terms. In many of those cases, the lookup will not be able to find the term, and a red text will indicate this. That doesn't mean that the term cannot be used to form the name, it simply means that you will need to identify the appropriate grammar and definition yourself.


The final section of the lookup message is the sources. This system uses the services linked or cited here, so please consider citing the appropriate sources when using the platform. Current sources include: