This name was automatically created through literature mining,
and it currently has no standing or validity.
Authors of original publications are encouraged to claim the name
and submit it for validation
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Formal styling
SeqCode status
Automated discovery
Canonical URL
Inferred stem
(unexpected name formation,
expected: Methanobacteriota)
This name has not been claimed yet. You can
claim it now.
Name in registry list
Name submission
Name endorsement
SeqCode notification
Name validation
Register list publication
Automated discovery
This name was automatically created by the system and has not undergone expert review
NCBI Taxonomy
This is the preferred assignment in NCBI Taxonomy , as captured in December / 202411. No single "official" taxonomy of prokaryotes exists, and
Principle 1 of the SeqCode indicates that "nothing in the
SeqCode may be construed to restrict the freedom of taxonomic opinion
or action". However, some well-curated taxonomic schemes exist that
can help authors navigate the complex relationships in prokaryotic
systematics, and the SeqCode Registry captures and presents some
schemes as a service to the community.
Automated Estimates
This genome was automatically retrieved and processed using MiGA
(The Microbial Genomes Atlas) [1], and the estimate has not been
overridden by the submitter.