Promineifilum breveTs

Wikispecies page source

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Species: ''[[Promineifilum breve]]'' (Ts)

''Promineifilum breve'' (Ts) corrig. {{a|McIlroy}} et al., 2016 (valid 2024)

==={{int:Primary references}}===
* {{aut|McIlroy}}, {{aut|Karst}}, {{aut|Nierychlo}}, {{aut|Dueholm}}, {{aut|Albertsen}}, {{aut|Kirkegaard}}, {{aut|Seviour}}, {{aut|Nielsen}}. 2016: Genomic and in situ investigations of the novel uncultured Chloroflexi associated with 0092 morphotype filamentous bulking in activated sludge. The ISME Journal. {{Doi|10.1038/ismej.2016.14}}
* {{aut|Oren}}, {{aut|Garrity}}, {{aut|Parker}}, {{aut|Chuvochina}}, {{aut|Trujillo}}. 2020: Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus taxa. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. {{Doi|10.1099/ijsem.0.003789}}

* {{SeqCode|31383}}

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