Gorgyraea atricolaTs


Formal styling
Gorgyraea atricolaTs Williams et al., 2021 (valid 2024)
Effective publication
Williams et al., 2021
SeqCode status
Valid (SeqCode)
Register List
seqco.de/r:2rggbgyb (validated)
Canonical URL


L. masc. adj. ater, black, dark; L. n. suff. -cola, inhabitant; N.L. fem. n. atricola, inhabitant of the dark
Nomenclatural type
NCBI Assembly: GCA_030765235.1
Nomenclatural status
Validly published under the SeqCode


This species is the nomenclatural type for the genus Gorgyraea. The description for this species is derived from Williams et al., 2021, and supplemented with additional information. The assembly representing this species has a genome of 1.74 Mb, with a %GC content of 41.71 %. This species encode for the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, but the absence of genes for the reverse TCA cycle may indicate no capacity for autotrophic CO2 fixation and rather that the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway in combination with the Rnf complex, functions in the reductive direction as an electron sink during homoacetogenic glucose fermentation. Several proteases and peptidases are encoded for the degradation of proteins to amino acids, some with signal peptides, while simple sugar transporters and glycoside hydrolases are also encoded by the genome. The ability to synthesize trehalose and glycogen is also feasible. A V-type ATPase and Rnf complex for ATP synthesis is present and a membrane-bound Group 4g [NiFe] hydrogenase is also encoded. Components for a Type-4a pilus and a very large ORF is encoded by the genome. The nomenclatural type for this species is the genome designated 3300035698_32.
“Gorgyraeales” » “Gorgyraeaceae” » Gorgyraea » Gorgyraea atricolaTs
Gorgyraea gtdb


NCBI Assembly:GCA_030765235.1
Metagenome-Assembled Genome (MAG)
Estimated Quality Metrics
  • Completeness: 98.21%
  • Contamination: 0.0%
  • Quality: 98.21
Ribosomal and transfer RNA genes
  • 1 16S rRNA (up to 8.0%)
  • 1 23S rRNA (up to 13.0%)
  • tRNAs for 19 amino acids
Sequencing depth
27.0 ×
Other features
  • G+C Content: 41.71%
  • Coding Density: 94.16%
  • Codon Table: 11
  • N50: 119,273 bp
  • Contigs: 30
  • Largest Contig: 404,273 bp
  • Assembly Length: 1,744,161 bp
  • Ambiguous Assembly Fraction: 0.0%
Submitter comments
IMG Annotation pipeline
CheckM1 from Williams et al 2021,  doi 10.3389/fmicb.2021.741077
CheckM2 from Seymour et al 2023,  doi 10.1038/s41564-022-01319-1  
Automated checks
See additional details


Outside links and data sources
Search sequences
Local history
Registered by
Allen, Michelle 12 months ago
Submitted by
Allen, Michelle 2 months ago
Validated by
Palmer, Marike 21 days ago
Date of priority
2024-09-04 06:09 AM (UTC)


Citation Title
Williams et al., 2021, Frontiers in Microbiology Shedding Light on Microbial “Dark Matter”: Insights Into Novel Cloacimonadota and Omnitrophota From an Antarctic Lake
Effective publication

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