Discovery of the Streamlined Haloarchaeon Halorutilus salinus , Comprising a New Order Widespread in Hypersaline Environments across the World

Durán-Viseras et al. (2023). mSystems 8 (2)
Names (2)
The discovery of the new halophilic archaeon, Halorutilus salinus , representing a novel order, family, genus, and species within the class Halobacteria and phylum Euryarchaeota clearly enables insights into the microbial dark matter, expanding the current taxonomical knowledge of this group of archaea. The in-depth comparative genomic analysis performed on this new taxon revealed one of the first known examples of an Halobacteria representative coding the archaeal RuBisCO gene and with a streamlined genome, being ecologically successful in nature and explaining its previous non-isolation.
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