Göker, Markus


Valid publication of names of two domains and seven kingdoms of prokaryotes

Göker, Oren (2024). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 74 (1)
Archaea Bacteria
The International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) now includes the categories domain and kingdom. For the purpose of the valid publication of their names under the ICNP, we consider here the two known domains, ‘Bacteria’ and ‘Archaea’, as well as a number of taxa suitable for the rank of kingdom, based on previous phylogenetic and taxonomic studies. It is proposed to subdivide the domain Bacteria into the kingdoms Bacillati, Fusobacteriati, Pseudomonadati and Thermotogati. This arrang

The best of both worlds: a proposal for further integration of Candidatus names into the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes

Arahal et al. (2024). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 74 (1)
The naming of prokaryotes is governed by the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) and partially by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (ICN). Such codes must be able to determine names of taxa in a universal and unambiguous manner, thus serving as a common language across different fields and activities. This unity is undermined when a new code of nomenclature emerges that overlaps in scope with an established, time-tested code and uses the same

Valid publication of four additional phylum names

Göker, Oren (2023). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (9)
“Methanofastidiosia” Thermococci Methanonatronarchaeia Methanoliparia Halobacteria Archaeoglobi
The International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) now includes the phylum category. For the purpose of the valid publication of their names under the ICNP, we consider here four phyla. Slightly modified descriptions of ‘ Abditibacteriota ’ Tahon et al. 2018 and ‘ Desulfobacterota ’ Waite et al. 2020 are provided to

Candidatus List. Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus phyla

Oren, Göker (2023). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (5)
“Caldatribacteriota” “Caldipriscota” “Calescibacteriota” “Canglongiota” “Deferrimicrobiota” “Dormiibacterota” Eremiobacterota “Fermentibacterota” “Fervidibacterota” “Freyrarchaeota” “Geothermarchaeota” “Heilongiota” “Hermodarchaeota” “Hinthialibacterota” “Huberarchaeota” “Hydrogenedentota” “Hydrothermota” “Iainarchaeota” “Kapaibacteriota” “Krumholzibacteriota” “Kryptoniota” “Kerfeldiibacteriota” “Komeiliibacteriota” “Levyibacteriota” “Lindowiibacteriota” “Liptoniibacteriota” “Lloydiibacteriota” “Magasanikiibacteriota” “Margulisiibacteriota” “Martarchaeota” “Melainobacteriota” “Moissliibacteriota” “Montesoliibacteriota” “Nealsoniibacteriota” “Nezhaarchaeota” “Niyogiibacteriota” “Nomuraibacteriota” “Pacearchaeota” “Peregrinibacteriota” “Poribacteriota” “Portnoyibacteriota” “Ratteibacteriota” “Raymondiibacteriota” “Roizmaniibacteriota” “Rokuibacteriota” “Ryaniibacteriota” “Saganiibacteriota” “Schekmaniibacteriota” “Spechtiibacteriota” “Stahliibacteriota” “Staskawicziibacteriota” “Sungiibacteriota” “Tagaibacteriota” “Tayloriibacteriota” “Tectimicrobiota” “Terryibacteriota” “Torokiibacteriota” “Uhriibacteriota” “Vebleniibacteriota” “Wolfeibacteriota” “Woykeibacteriota” “Yanofskyibacteriota” “Yonathiibacteriota” “Zambryskiibacteriota” “Abawacaibacteriota” “Augarchaeota” “Lokiarchaeota” “Macinerneyibacteriota” “Methanomethylicota” “Moduliflexota” “Nanohalarchaeota” “Neomarinimicrobiota” “Odinarchaeota” “Paceibacterota” “Parcunitrobacterota” “Parvarchaeota” “Poseidoniota” “Qinglongiota” “Saccharimonadota” “Sifarchaeota” “Sumerlaeota” “Tianyaibacteriota” “Undinarchaeota” “Wukongarchaeota” “Babelota” “Wirthibacterota” “Rifleibacteriota” “Joergenseniibacteriota” “Kueneniibacteriota” “Jacksoniibacteriota” “Moraniibacteriota” “Shapirobacteriota” “Zixiibacteriota” Cloacimonadota Muiribacteriota “Latescibacterota” “Acetithermota” “Aenigmatarchaeota” “Aerophobota” “Altiarchaeota” “Altimarinota” “Aminicenantota”

Filling the gaps: missing taxon names at the ranks of class, order and family

Göker (2022). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (12)
Kitasatosporales Nitrospiraceae Pseudobdellovibrionaceae Hydrogenophilia Bryobacterales Terriglobia Terriglobales Acidobacteriaceae Nitrospinales Nitrospinia Kiritimatiellia Chlorobiia Calditrichia Nitrospiria “Nitrobium” Nitrospirales Paracoccaceae
The International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) recently underwent some major modifications regarding the higher taxonomic ranks. On the one hand, the phylum category was introduced into the ICNP, which rapidly led to the valid publication of more than forty names of phyla. On the other hand, a decision on the retroactivity of Rule 8 regarding the names of classes was made, which removed most of the nomenclatural uncertainty that had affected those names during the last decade. Howe

Judicial Opinions 112–122

Arahal et al. (2022). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (8)
Polyangiia Terrimicrobiia Endomicrobiia Spirosomataceae
Opinion 112 denies the request to place Seliberia Aristovskaya and Parinkina 1963 (Approved Lists 1980) on the list of rejected names because the information provided is insufficient. For the same reason, Opinion 113 denies the request to reject Shewanella irciniae Lee et al. 2006 and Opinion 114 denies the request to reje

List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) moves to the DSMZ

Parte et al. (2020). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (11)
“Adiutricales” “Desulfofervidales”
The List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) was acquired in November 2019 by the DSMZ and was relaunched using an entirely new production system in February 2020. This article describes in detail the structure of the new site, navigation, page layout, search facilities and new features.