Nobu, Masaru K.


Minisyncoccus archaeiphilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a mesophilic, obligate parasitic bacterium and proposal of Minisyncoccaceae fam. nov., Minisyncoccales ord. nov., Minisyncoccia class. nov. and Minisyncoccota phyl. nov. formerly referred to as Candidatus Patescibacteria or candidate phyla radiation

Nakajima et al. (2025). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 75 (2)
Minisyncoccota Minisyncoccia Minisyncoccales Minisyncoccaceae Minisyncoccus Minisyncoccus archaeiphilus T Patescibacteriota
In the domain Bacteria, one of the largest, most diverse and environmentally ubiquitous phylogenetic groups, Candidatus Patescibacteria (also known as candidate phyla radiation/CPR), remains poorly characterized, leaving a major knowledge gap in microbial ecology. We recently discovered a novel cross-domain symbiosis between Ca. Patescibacteria and Archaea in highly purified enrichment cultures and proposed Candidatus taxa for the characterized species, including Ca. Minisyncoccus archaeophilus

Fidelibacter multiformis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a deep subsurface aquifer and proposal of Fidelibacterota phyl. nov., formerly called Marine Group A, SAR406 or Candidatus Marinimicrobia

Katayama et al. (2024). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 74 (10)
Fidelibacterota Fidelibacteria Fidelibacterales Fidelibacteraceae “Neomarinimicrobiota”
A Gram-negative, obligatory anaerobic, chemoheterotrophic bacterium, designated strain IA91T, was isolated from sediments and formation water from deep aquifers in Japan. IA91T derives its peptidoglycan, energy and carbon from exogenous cell wall fragments, namely muropeptides, released from actively reproducing bacteria, and is dependent on other bacteria for cell wall formation, growth and even cell shape: IA91T is irregular rod-shaped but coccoids when muropeptide is absent. IA91T grew in a t

Promethearchaeum syntrophicum gen. nov., sp. nov., an anaerobic, obligately syntrophic archaeon, the first isolate of the lineage ‘Asgard’ archaea, and proposal of the new archaeal phylum Promethearchaeota phyl. nov. and kingdom Promethearchaeati regn. nov

Imachi et al. (2024). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 74 (7)
Promethearchaeum syntrophicum T Promethearchaeota Promethearchaeia Promethearchaeales Promethearchaeaceae Promethearchaeum
An anaerobic, mesophilic, syntrophic, archaeon strain MK-D1T, was isolated as a pure co-culture with Methanogenium sp. strain MK-MG from deep-sea methane seep sediment. This organism is, to our knowledge, the first cultured representative of ‘Asgard’ archaea, an archaeal group closely related to eukaryotes. Here, we describe the detailed physiology and phylogeny of MK-D1T and propose Promethearchaeum syntrophicum gen. nov., sp. nov. to accommodate this strain. Cells were non-motile, small cocci,

Microscopic and metatranscriptomic analyses revealed unique cross-domain parasitism between phylum Candidatus Patescibacteria/candidate phyla radiation and methanogenic archaea in anaerobic ecosystems

Kuroda et al. (2024). mBio 15 (3)
Ca. Patescibacteria
ABSTRACT To verify whether members of the phylum Candidatus Patescibacteria parasitize archaea, we applied cultivation, microscopy, metatranscriptomic, and protein structure prediction analyses on the Patescibacteria-enriched cultures derived from a methanogenic bioreactor. Amendment of cultures with exogenous methanogenic archaea, acetate, amino acids, and nucleoside monophosphates increased the relative abundance of

Microscopic and metatranscriptomic analyses revealed unique cross-domain symbiosis betweenCandidatusPatescibacteria/candidate phyla radiation (CPR) and methanogenic archaea in anaerobic ecosystems

Kuroda et al. (2023).
“Paceibacteria” Ca. Patescibacteria “Yanofskyibacteriota”
AbstractTo verify the parasitic lifestyle ofCandidatusPatescibacteria in the enrichment cultures derived from a methanogenic bioreactor, we applied multifaceted approaches combining cultivation, microscopy, metatranscriptomic, and protein structure prediction analyses. Cultivation experiments with the addition of exogenous methanogenic archaea with acetate, amino acids, and nucleoside monophosphates and 16S rRNA gene sequencing confirmed the increase in the relative abundance ofCa. Patescibacter

Symbiosis between Candidatus Patescibacteria and Archaea Discovered in Wastewater-Treating Bioreactors

Kuroda et al. (2022). mBio 13 (5)
Ca. Patescibacteria
One highly diverse phylogenetic group of Bacteria, Ca . Patescibacteria, remains poorly understood, but, from the few cultured representatives and metagenomic investigations, they are thought to live symbiotically or parasitically with other bacteria or even with eukarya.

Complete Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Hydrogeosomobacter endosymbioticus,” an Intracellular Bacterial Symbiont of the Anaerobic Ciliate Scuticociliate GW7

Shiohama et al. (2022). Microbiology Resource Announcements 11 (2)
Ca. Hydrogenosomobacter endosymbioticus
The bacterium “ Candidatus Hydrogenosomobacter endosymbioticus” is an intracellular symbiont of anaerobic scuticociliate GW7, which is associated with hydrogenosome together with methanogenic archaea. Here, we report a complete genome sequence of the symbiont consisting of 827 kbp. Knowing this sequence would contribute to the understanding of the metabolic interactions and evolution of the tripartite symbiosis.

Isolation of a member of the candidate phylum ‘Atribacteria’ reveals a unique cell membrane structure

Katayama et al. (2020). Nature Communications 11 (1)
Atribacter Atribacteria Atribacterota
AbstractA key feature that differentiates prokaryotic cells from eukaryotes is the absence of an intracellular membrane surrounding the chromosomal DNA. Here, we isolate a member of the ubiquitous, yet-to-be-cultivated phylum ‘Candidatus Atribacteria’ (also known as OP9) that has an intracytoplasmic membrane apparently surrounding the nucleoid. The isolate, RT761, is a subsurface-derived anaerobic bacterium that appears to have three lipid membrane-like layers, as shown by cryo-electron tomograp