Kirkegaard, Rasmus H


Cultivation and genomic characterization of novel and ubiquitous marine nitrite-oxidizing bacteria from the Nitrospirales

Mueller et al. (2023). The ISME Journal 17 (11)
“Nitronereus thalassa” “Nitronereus”
Abstract Nitrospirales, including the genus Nitrospira, are environmentally widespread chemolithoautotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. These mostly uncultured microorganisms gain energy through nitrite oxidation, fix CO2, and thus play vital roles in nitrogen and carbon cycling. Over the last decade, our understanding of their physiology has advanced through several new discoveries, such as alternative energy metabolisms and complete ammonia oxidizers (comammox Nitrospira). Thes

Cultivation and genomic analysis ofCandidatusNitrosocaldus islandicus, a novel obligately thermophilic ammonia-oxidizingThaumarchaeon

Daebeler et al. (2017).
Ca. Nitrosocaldus islandicus
AbstractAmmonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) within the phylumThaumarchaeaare the only known aerobic ammonia oxidizers in geothermal environments. Although molecular data indicate the presence of phylogenetically diverse AOA from theNitrosocaldusclade, group 1.1b and group 1.1aThaumarchaeain terrestrial high-temperature habitats, only one enrichment culture of an AOA thriving above 50 °C has been reported and functionally analyzed. In this study, we physiologically and genomically characterized a nov