The genome of MAG AB3033_2 was recovered from a marine sediment metagenome originating from the Guaymas Basin. It consists of 189 contigs with a total length of 2,635,218 bp, an N50 of 31,421 bp, an L50 of 36 contigs and a longest contig of 103,451 bp. A CheckM analysis indicates a completeness score of 93.46% and a redundancy/contamination score of 4.67%, meeting the requirements of a high-quality genome according to the MiMAG guidelines (Bower et al., 2017). We predicted protein-coding, rRNA and tRNA genes using Prokka v1.14.6 (Seemann, 2014). The GC content of this genome is 33.96%, and it includes 2,631 protein-encoding genes, 1 partial 16S rRNA (398 nt) gene and 30 tRNA genes for 16 standard amino acids.