“Sifarchaeota” a novel Asgard phylum capable of polysaccharide degradation and anaerobic methylotrophy

Farag et al. (2020).
Names (4)
AbstractThe Asgard superphylum is a deeply branching monophyletic group of Archaea, recently described as some of the closest relatives of the eukaryotic ancestor. The wide application of genomic analyses from metagenome sequencing has established six distinct phyla, whose genomes encode for diverse metabolic capacities and play important biogeochemical and ecological roles in marine sediments. Here, we describe two metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) recovered from deep marine sediments off Costa Rica margin, defining a novel lineage phylogenetically married to Thorarchaeota, as such we propose the name “Sifarchaeota” for this phylum. The two “Sifarchaeota” MAGs encode for an anaerobic methylotrophy pathway enabling the utilization of C1-C3 compounds (methanol and methylamines) to synthesize acetyl CoA. Also, the MAGs showed a remarkable saccharolytic capabilities compared to other Asgard lineages and encoded for diverse classes of carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) targeting different mono-, di- and oligosaccharides. Comparative genomic analysis based on the full metabolic profiles of Asgard lineages revealed the close relation between “Sifarchaeota” and Odinarchaeota MAGs, which suggested a similar metabolic potentials and ecological roles. Furthermore, we identified multiple potential horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events from different bacterial donors within “Sifarchaetoa” MAGs, which hypothetically expanded “Sifarchaeota” capacities for substrate utilization, energy production and niche adaptation.ImportanceDeep marine sediments are the home of multiple poorly described archaeal lineages, many of which have ecological and evolutionary importance. We recovered metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) belonging to a novel Asgard phylum from the deep sediment of the Costa Rica margin. We proposed the name “Sifarchaeota” to describe the members of this phylum. Representative genomes of the “Sifarchaeota” showed remarkable saccharolytic capacities extending the known metabolic features encoded by the Asgard lineages. We attribute its ability to survive under the deep sediment conditions to its putative capacities to utilize different (C1-C3) compounds commonly encountered in deep sediment environments via anaerobic methylotrophy pathway. Also, we showed the importance of horizontal gene transfer in enhancing the “Sifarchaeota” collective adaptation strategies.
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