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Rice Paddy Nitrospirae Carry and Express Genes Related to Sulfate Respiration: Proposal of the New Genus “Candidatus Sulfobium”

Zecchin et al. (2018). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (5)
Ca. Sulfobium Ca. Sulfobium mesophilum
ABSTRACT Nitrospirae spp. distantly related to thermophilic, sulfate-reducing Thermodesulfovibrio species are regularly observed in environmental surveys of anoxic marine and freshwater habitats. Here we present a metaproteogenomic analysis of Nitrospirae bacterium Nbg-4 as a representative of this clade. Its genome was assembled from replicated metagenomes of rice paddy soil that was used to grow rice in the pres

Isolation, Characterization of Candidatus asiaticus Causal Agent of Greening Disease in Citrus spp. and Evaluation of Its Sensitivity Pattern

Afrin,, Professor Joarder DNA and Chromosome Research Lab., Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh (2018). International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience 6 (1)

Identification of Uncultured Bacterial Species from Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and CANDIDATUS Saccharibacteria as Candidate Cellulose Utilizers from the Rumen of Beef Cows

Lee Opdahl et al. (2018). Microorganisms 6 (1)
The ability of ruminants to utilize cellulosic biomass is a result of the metabolic activities of symbiotic microbial communities that reside in the rumen. To gain further insight into this complex microbial ecosystem, a selection-based batch culturing approach was used to identify candidate cellulose-utilizing bacterial consortia. Prior to culturing with cellulose, rumen contents sampled from three beef cows maintained on a forage diet shared 252 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs), accounting f