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Draft Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Methanomethylophilus” sp. 1R26, Enriched from Bovine Rumen, a Methanogenic Archaeon Belonging to the Methanomassiliicoccales Order

Noel et al. (2016). Genome Announcements 4 (1)
ABSTRACT Here, we present the draft genome of “ Candidatus Methanomethylophilus” sp. 1R26, a member of the newly described Methanomassiliicoccales order of Euryarcheaota . The enrichment culture was established from bovine rumen contents and produced methane from trimethylamine and methanol. The draft genome contains genes for methanogenesis from methylated compounds.

Draft Genome Sequences of Two Novel Amoeba-Resistant Intranuclear Bacteria, “ Candidatus Berkiella cookevillensis” and “ Candidatus Berkiella aquae”

Mehari et al. (2016). Genome Announcements 4 (1)
Ca. Berkiella aquae Ca. Berkiella cookevillensis
ABSTRACT “ Candidatus Berkiella cookevillensis” and “ Candidatus Berkiella aquae” are obligate intranuclear endosymbionts of freshwater amoebae. Here, we present the draft genome sequences of these two bacteria, with total sizes of 2,990,361 bp and 3,626,027 bp, respectively.

Complete Genome Sequences of the Obligate Symbionts “ Candidatus Sulcia muelleri” and “ Ca Nasuia deltocephalinicola” from the Pestiferous Leafhopper Macrosteles quadripunctulatus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)

Bennett et al. (2016). Genome Announcements 4 (1)
Ca. Sulcia muelleri
ABSTRACT Two bacterial symbionts of the European pest leafhopper, Macrosteles quadripunctulatus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), were fully sequenced. “ Candidatus Sulcia muelleri” and “ Ca . Nasuia deltocephalinicola” represent two of the smallest known bacterial genomes at 190 kb and 112 kb, respectively. Genome sequences are nearly identical to strains reported from the closely related host species,

Genomic inference of the metabolism of cosmopolitan subsurface Archaea, Hadesarchaea

Baker et al. (2016). Nature Microbiology 1 (3)
Hadarchaeum yellowstonense Ts
AbstractThe subsurface biosphere is largely unexplored and contains a broad diversity of uncultured microbes1. Despite being one of the few prokaryotic lineages that is cosmopolitan in both the terrestrial and marine subsurface2–4, the physiological and ecological roles of SAGMEG (South-African Gold Mine Miscellaneous Euryarchaeal Group) Archaea are unknown. Here, we report the metabolic capabilities of this enigmatic group as inferred from genomic reconstructions. Four high-quality (63–90% comp