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Chlamydia isopodii sp. n., an Obligate Intracellular Parasite of Porcellio scaber

Shay et al. (1985). Pathobiology 53 (2)
Ca. Rhabdochlamydia porcellionis
In an ultrastructural study of the hepatopancreas of <i>Porcellio scaber, </i>an obligate intracellular parasite, <i>Chlamydia, </i>was noted in the epithelial cells. Although the infection was found to extend the entire length of the hepatopancreas, it was most extensive in the glandular region. Indirect immunofluorescence testing revealed no cross-reactivity with either lymphogranuloma venereum or psittacosis antisera.

Taxonomy and Description of Vibrio fluvialis sp. nov. (Synonym Group F Vibrios, Group EF6)

LEE et al. (1981). Journal of Applied Bacteriology 50 (1)
A numerical taxonomic study has been carried out to establish the relationship of group F to other biochemically similar organisms within the family Vibrionaceae. A total of 154 strains were examined including 59 of group F. Out of 114 characters determined for each strain 100 were used to compute average Euclidean distances between strains. Four methods of clustering were used, all of which gave very similar results.Strains resembling Vibrio anguillarum fell into clusters corresponding to V. an