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Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” Infection Induces Citric Acid Accumulation and Immune Responses Mediated by the Transcription Factor CitPH4

Hu et al. (2025). Molecular Plant Pathology 26 (2)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus Liberibacter
ABSTRACTCitrus huanglongbing (HLB), caused by “Candidatus Liberibacter” spp., is one of the most disastrous citrus diseases worldwide. HLB‐affected citrus fruits are significantly more acidic than healthy fruits. However, the molecular mechanism behind this phenomenon remains to be elucidated. Here, we report that HLB‐affected fruits have higher levels of citric acid (CA) than healthy fruits. Moreover, Citrus PH4 (CitPH4), which encodes a MYB transcription factor that functions as a key regulato

First genomic resource of ‘CandidatusPhytoplasma pyri’ associated to pear

Alessio et al. (2025).
Ca. Phytoplasma pyri Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum Ca. Phytoplasma mali
AbstractThis study reports the draft genome ofCandidatusPhytoplasma pyri strain P1, isolated from Argentina, marking the first global sequencing of this species. The genome assembly consisted of 16 contigs, with a total length of 575,431 bp, a GC content of 20.35%, and 125X coverage. A total of 536 genes were annotated, including those related to metabolism, genetic information processing, and signaling. Phylogenetic analysis placed ‘CandidatusPhytoplasma pyri’ within the 16SrX group, supporting

The complete genome sequence of the stolbur pathogen “ Candidatus Phytoplasma solani” from Pentastiridius leporinus

Toth et al. (2025). Microbiology Resource Announcements 14 (1)
Ca. Phytoplasma solani
ABSTRACT The complete genome of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma solani” GOE was obtained from the infected vector Pentastiridius leporinus by single-molecule real-time sequencing. This 16SrXII-P phytoplasma is associated with the economically important sugar beet disease “syndrome basses richesses.” The genome sequence is an essential resource for diagnosis and understanding pathogen–host interact

Complete genome sequence of “ Candidatus Dehalogenimonas loeffleri” strain W, a highly salt-tolerant chlorinated alkane-dechlorinating bacterium isolated from estuarine sediments

Wang et al. (2025). Microbiology Resource Announcements 14 (1)
Ca. Dehalogenimonas loeffleri
ABSTRACT “Candidatus Dehalogenimonas loeffleri” strain W, isolated from estuarine sediments, can dechlorinate 1,2-dichloroethane under high salinity. Its genome consists of a circular 1,772,240-bp chromosome with a G + C content of 52.5% and encompasses 1,763 protein-coding sequences, including 28 genes encoding reductive dehalogenases.

Alternative hosts of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’ identified through surveys and vector gut content analysis

Shires et al. (2025). Plant Health Progress
Ca. Phytoplasma pruni
An ongoing outbreak of X-Disease, associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’ has resulted in severe economic losses for cherry and stone fruit growers in the U.S. Pacific Northwest in the last decade. Given that this pathogen is transmitted by polyphagous leafhopper species, primarily Colladonus montanus ssp. reductus and C. geminatus in the PNW, alternative plant hosts present a significant management concern. Here we surveyed phytoplasma incidence in non-Prunus plants found in and around

Metabolic implications for dual substrate growth in “CandidatusAccumulibacter”

Paez-Watson et al. (2025).
ABSTRACTThis study explores the metabolic implications of dual substrate uptake in“Candidatus Accumulibacter”, focusing on the co-consumption of volatile fatty acids and amino acids under conditions typical of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems. Combining batch tests from highly enriched “Ca.Accumulibacter” cultures with conditional flux balance analysis (cFBA) predictions, we demonstrated that co-consumption of acetate and aspartate leads to synergistic metabolic interactions

Addition of Section 10, Rules 66–73 for further integration of Candidatus names into the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes

Oren (2025). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 75 (1)
Following a proposal for further integration of Candidatus names into the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes, I here report the outcome of the ballot on this proposal by the members of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes.

Swords and shields: the war between Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and citrus

Hu et al. (2025). Frontiers in Plant Science 15
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) represents a significant threat to the citrus industry, mainly caused by the phloem-limited bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas). In this review, we summarize recent advances in understanding the relationship between citrus and CLas, particularly examining the functions of Sec-dependent effectors (SDEs) and non-classically secreted proteins (ncSPs) in virulence, as well as their targeted interactions with citrus. We further investigate the impact of SDEs