General Medicine


International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP) Subcommittee on the taxonomy of Chlamydiae. Minutes of the closed meeting, 20 March 2019, Seattle, WA, USA Borel et al. (2019). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 69 (11) Parachlamydiales
‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ Genome Encodes a Protein that Functions as an E3 Ubiquitin Ligase and Could Inhibit Plant Basal Defense Strohmayer et al. (2019). Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions® 32 (11) Ca. Phytoplasma mali
Vibrio chemaguriensis sp. nov., from Sundarbans, Bay of Bengal Ghosh, Bhadury (2019). Current Microbiology 76 (10) “Vibrio chemaguriensis”
‘Candidatus Bartonella dromedarii’ in the dromedary camels of Iran: Molecular investigation, phylogenetic analysis, hematological findings, and acute-phase proteins quantitation Ghaemi et al. (2019). Veterinary Microbiology 237 Ca. Bartonella dromedarii
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus ticks as reservoir and vector of ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos’ in China Shi et al. (2019). Veterinary Parasitology 274 Ca. Mycoplasma haemobos
Abundance of total and metabolically active Candidatus Microthrix and fungal populations in three full-scale wastewater treatment plants Maza-Márquez et al. (2019). Chemosphere 232 “Neomicrothrix”
The Tad Pilus Apparatus of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ and Its Regulation by VisNR Andrade et al. (2019). Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions® 32 (9) Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Acidithiobacillus sulfuriphilus sp. nov.: an extremely acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing chemolithotroph isolated from a neutral pH environment Falagán et al. (2019). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 69 (9) “Ambacidithiobacillus”
Detection of “Candidatus Rickettsia wissemanii” in ticks parasitizing bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the northern Brazilian Amazon Luz et al. (2019). Parasitology Research 118 (11) Ca. Rickettsia wissemanii
SCAR marker for Phytophthora nicotianae and a multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of P. nicotianae and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in citrus Das et al. (2019). Journal of Applied Microbiology 127 (4) Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus