Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics


Phytoplasma phylogenetics based on analysis of secA and 23S rRNA gene sequences for improved resolution of candidate species of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma' Hodgetts et al. (2008). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY 58 (8) Ca. Phytoplasma
Environmental distribution and population biology of Candidatus Accumulibacter, a primary agent of biological phosphorus removal Peterson et al. (2008). Environmental Microbiology 10 (10) “Accumulibacter”
Presence of specific symbiotic bacteria in flies of the subfamily Tephritinae (Diptera Tephritidae) and their phylogenetic relationships: proposal of 'Candidatus Stammerula tephritidis' Mazzon et al. (2008). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY 58 (6) Ca. Stammerula tephritidis
A rare SAR11 fosmid clone confirming genetic variability in the ‘Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique’ genome Gilbert et al. (2008). The ISME Journal 2 (7) Ca. Pelagibacter ubique
Long-Term Evolutionary Stability of Bacterial Endosymbiosis in Curculionoidea: Additional Evidence of Symbiont Replacement in the Dryophthoridae Family Conord et al. (2008). Molecular Biology and Evolution 25 (5) “Nardonella dryophthoridicola” “Nardonella hylobii”
Isolation and identification of amoeba-resisting bacteria from water in human environment by using an Acanthamoeba polyphaga co-culture procedure Pagnier et al. (2008). Environmental Microbiology 10 (5) “Azospirillum massiliense” “Cytophaga massiliensis”
Metabolic versatility of the Riftia pachyptila endosymbiont revealed through metagenomics Robidart et al. (2008). Environmental Microbiology 10 (3) “Endoriftia persephonae”
Cultivation of a thermophilic ammonia oxidizing archaeon synthesizing crenarchaeol de la Torre et al. (2008). Environmental Microbiology 10 (3) “Nitrosocaldales”
'Candidatus Phytoplasma omanense', associated with witches'-broom of Cassia italica (Mill.) Spreng. in Oman Al-Saady et al. (2008). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY 58 (2) Ca. Phytoplasma omanense
Physiological and phylogenetic characterization of a novel lithoautotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacterium, 'Candidatus Nitrospira bockiana' Lebedeva et al. (2008). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY 58 (1) Ca. Nitrospira bockiana