

Complete Genome Sequence of “Candidatus Sulcia muelleri” ML, an Obligate Nutritional Symbiont of Maize Leafhopper ( Dalbulus maidis )

Chang et al. (2015). Genome Announcements 3 (1)
Ca. Sulcia muelleri
ABSTRACT “Candidatus Sulcia muelleri” is a symbiont of sap-feeding insects in the suborder Auchenorrhyncha. The strain “ Ca . Sulcia muelleri” ML is associated with the maize leafhopper ( Dalbulus maidis ), collected in Brazil, which is a disease vector that affects corn production. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of this bacterium.

Whole-Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” Strain R1 from California

Zheng et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (6)
“Liberibacter solanacearum”
ABSTRACT The draft whole-genome sequence of “ Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” strain R1, isolated from and maintained in tomato plants in California, is reported. The R1 strain has the genome size of 1,204,257 bp, G+C content of 35.3%, 1,101 predicted open reading frames, and 57 RNA genes.

Genome Sequence of Candidatus Riesia pediculischaeffi, Endosymbiont of Chimpanzee Lice, and Genomic Comparison of Recently Acquired Endosymbionts from Human and Chimpanzee Lice

Boyd et al. (2014). G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 4 (11)
Ca. Riesia pediculischaeffi
Abstract The obligate-heritable endosymbionts of insects possess some of the smallest known bacterial genomes. This is likely due to loss of genomic material during symbiosis. The mode and rate of this erosion may change over evolutionary time: faster in newly formed associations and slower in long-established ones. The endosymbionts of human and anthropoid primate lice present a unique opportunity to study genome erosion in newly established (or young) symbionts. This is because

Draft Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” from California

Zheng et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (5)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
ABSTRACT We report here the draft genome sequence of “ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strain HHCA, collected from a lemon tree in California. The HHCA strain has a genome size of 1,150,620 bp, 36.5% G+C content, 1,119 predicted open reading frames, and 51 RNA genes.

Draft Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris” Strain OY-V, an Unculturable Plant-Pathogenic Bacterium

Kakizawa et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (5)
Ca. Phytoplasma asteris
ABSTRACT Phytoplasmas are unculturable plant-pathogenic bacteria causing devastating damage to agricultural production worldwide. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris” strain OY-V. Most of the known virulence factors and host-interacting proteins were conserved in OY-V. This genome furthers our understanding of genetic diversity and pathogenicity of phytoplasmas.

Draft Genome Sequence of the Endosymbiont “ Candidatus Ruthia magnifica” UCD-CM (Phylum Proteobacteria )

Lee et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (4)
Ca. Ruthia magnifica
ABSTRACT Here, we present the draft genome of the endosymbiont “ Candidatus Ruthia magnifica” UCD-CM, a member of the phylum Proteobacteria , found from the gills of a deep-sea giant clam, Calyptogena magnifica . The assembly consists of 1,160,249 bp contained in 18 contigs.

Complete Genome Sequence of the Endosymbiont of Acanthamoeba Strain UWC8, an Amoeba Endosymbiont Belonging to the “ Candidatus Midichloriaceae” Family in Rickettsiales

Wang et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (4)
“Midichloriaceae” Ca. Midichloriaceae
ABSTRACT The endosymbiont of Acanthamoeba strain UWC8 is an obligate amoeba endosymbiont belonging to the family of “ Candidatus Midichloriaceae” in Rickettsiales. We report here the complete genome sequence of this bacterium, which should catalyze future studies of amoeba-symbiont interactions.