

Draft Genome Sequence of the Bactrocera oleae Symbiont “ Candidatus Erwinia dacicola”

Blow et al. (2016). Genome Announcements 4 (5)
Ca. Erwinia dacicola
ABSTRACT “ Candidatus Erwinia dacicola” is a Gammaproteobacterium that forms a symbiotic association with the agricultural pest Bactrocera oleae . Here, we present a 2.1-Mb draft hybrid genome assembly for “ Ca. Erwinia dacicola” generated from single-cell and metagenomic data.

Complete Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Viadribacter manganicus” Isolated from a German Floodplain Area

Braun, Szewzyk (2016). Genome Announcements 4 (5)
Ca. Viadribacter manganicus
ABSTRACT Iron- and manganese-depositing bacteria occur in many soils and all water systems, and their biogenic depositions of ochre in technical systems may cause severe clogging problems and monetary losses. “ Candidatus Viadribacter manganicus” is a small coccoid, iron- and manganese-depositing bacterium isolated from the Lower Oder Valley National Park, Germany.

Nitrogen fixation in a chemoautotrophic lucinid symbiosis

König et al. (2016). Nature Microbiology 2 (1)
Ca. Thiodiazotropha fergusoni “Thiodiazotropha endolucinida”
AbstractThe shallow water bivalve Codakia orbicularis lives in symbiotic association with a sulfur-oxidizing bacterium in its gills. The endosymbiont fixes CO2 and thus generates organic carbon compounds, which support the host's growth. To investigate the uncultured symbiont's metabolism and symbiont–host interactions in detail we conducted a proteogenomic analysis of purified bacteria. Unexpectedly, our results reveal a hitherto completely unrecognized feature of the C. orbicularis symbiont's

Genomes of Candidatus Wolbachia bourtzisii wDacA and Candidatus Wolbachia pipientis wDacB from the Cochineal Insect Dactylopius coccus (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae)

Ramírez-Puebla et al. (2016). G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 6 (10)
Ca. Wolbachia bourtzisii Ca. Wolbachia pipientis
Abstract Dactylopius species, known as cochineal insects, are the source of the carminic acid dye used worldwide. The presence of two Wolbachia strains in Dactylopius coccus from Mexico was revealed by PCR amplification of wsp and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. A metagenome analysis recovered the genome sequences of Candidatus Wolbachia bourtzisii wDacA (supergroup A) and Candidatus Wolbachia pipientis wDacB (supergroup B). Genome read coverage, as well as 16S rRNA clone sequencing

Proteome Remodeling in Response to Sulfur Limitation in “ Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique”

Smith et al. (2016). mSystems 1 (4)
Ca. Pelagibacter ubique
“ Ca . Pelagibacter ubique” is a key driver of marine biogeochemistry cycles and a model for understanding how minimal genomes evolved in free-living anucleate organisms. This study explores the unusual sulfur acquisition strategy that has evolved in these cells, which lack assimilatory sulfate reduction and instead rely on reduced sulfur compounds found in oxic marine environments to meet their cellular quotas. Our findings demonstrate that the sulfur acquis