Swayne DE, Eaton KA, Trott DJ, Hampson DJ, Jensen NS, Stoutenburg J
Identification of a new intestinal spirochete with pathogenicity for chickens
Ochiai S, Mori K, Adachi Y
Unification of the genera Serpulina and Brachyspira, and proposals of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae Comb. Nov., Brachyspira innocens Comb. Nov. and Brachyspira pilosicoli Comb. Nov.
Stanton TB, Baranton G, Trott DJ, Hampson DJ, Fournie-amazouz E, Grimont PAD, Postic D, Saint girons I
Recognition of Two New Species of Intestinal Spirochetes: Serpulina intermedia sp. nov. and Serpulina murdochii sp. nov.
Swayne DE, Eaton KA, Stoutenburg JW, Sagartz JE, Bermudez AJ, Monfort JD, Hayes JR
Association of Cecal Spirochetes with Pasty Vents and Dirty Eggshells in Layers