Strain sc|0017465

Strain numbers

ATCC 23908 = BCRC 13654 = CBS 804.68 = CCRC 13654 = DSM 40044 = HAMBI 1083 = HAMBI 1090 = IFO 12862 = IMET 43575 = JCM 4187 = JCM 4638 = NBRC 12862 = NCIB 9795 = NCIMB 9795 = NRRL 2424 = NRRL ISP-5044 = P-D 04926 = RIA 1111 = VKM Ac-1773

StrainInfo: SI-ID 38285 T

Streptomyces fragilis
Cultures (17)
ATCC 23908 = IFO 12862 = NRRL 2424 = DSM 40044 = JCM 4187 = CCRC 13654 = IMET 43575 = NCIMB 9795 = VKM Ac-1773 = JCM 4638 = NRRL B-2424 = CBS 804.68 = NBRC 12862 = BCRC 13654 = HAMBI 1083 = HAMBI 1090 = CGMCC 4.1955
Other Designations (16)
P-D 04926 = RIA 1111 = ISP 5044 = NRRL ISP 5044 = KCCS-0187 = NIHJ415 = AndersonC1437 = KCCS-0638 = ETH 31506 = IMRU 3732 = KCC S-0638 = C 1437 = NRRL B-2424 = Parke, Davis & Co.PD04926 = KCC S-0187 = PD 04926
Sequences (4)
Associated Publications (2)
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 8 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


Cannonical URL
Local history
  • Registered 18 days ago
  • Last modified 8 days ago
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