Sawana A, Adeolu M, Gupta RS
Molecular signatures and phylogenomic analysis of the genus Burkholderia: proposal for division of this genus into the emended genus Burkholderia containing pathogenic organisms and a new genus Paraburkholderia gen. nov. harboring environmental species.
Scherlach K, Dahse H, Partida-martinez LP, Hertweck C
Antimitotic Rhizoxin Derivatives from a Cultured Bacterial Endosymbiont of the Rice Pathogenic Fungus <i>Rhizopus </i><i>m</i><i>icrosporus</i>
Partida-martinez LP, Schmitt I, Richter W, Groth I, Hertweck C, Roth M
Burkholderia rhizoxinica sp. nov. and Burkholderia endofungorum sp. nov., bacterial endosymbionts of the plant-pathogenic fungus Rhizopus microsporus