Thiemann JE, Coronelli C, Beretta G, Panani H
Antibiotic production by new form-genera of the Actinomycetales. II. Antibiotic A-672 isolated from a new species of Actinoplanes: A/ Thiemann JE, Beretta G, Coronelli C, Pagani H: Antibiotic production by new form-genera of the Actinomycetales. II. Antibiotic A-672 isolated from a new species of Actinoplanes: Actinoplanes brasiliensis nov. sp.
Koch C, Kroppenstedt RM, Stackebrandt E, Rainey FA
16S Ribosomal DNA Analysis of the Genera Micromonospora, Actinoplanes, Catellatospora, Catenuloplanes, Couchioplanes, Dactylosporangium, and Pilimelia and Emendation of the Family Micromonosporaceae