Strain sc|0019589

Strain numbers

4239 = ATCC 43273 = CCUG 37974 = CFBP 3007 = CIP 102995 = DSM 6975 = Gilardi 4239 = G.L. Gilardi 4239 = IAM 1300 = IAM 13000 = JCM 3352 = KS0921 = LMG 7041 = NBRC 103146
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 1747 T

Chryseomonas luteola (not Pseudomonas luteola)
Cultures (12)
LMG 7041 = ATCC 43273 = DSM 6975 = IAM 13000 = JCM 3352 = LMG 8814 = CCUG 37974 = CIP 102995 = KACC 10801 = CFBP 3007 = IAM 1300 = NBRC 103146
Other Designations (17)
4239 = Gilardi 4239 = G.L. Gilardi 4239 = KS0921 = KS 0921 = DEB-1290 = DEB-4234 = DEB-8140 = DEB-8102 = R-16183 = G. L. Gilardt 4239 = Gilardi G.L. 4239 = DEB-2256 = Kodama KS 0921 = DEB-3653 = DEB-8219 = DEB-8492
Sequences (9)
Associated Publications (4)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-47-2-249
    Anzai Y, Kudo Y, Oyaizu H (1997). The phylogeny of the genera Chryseomonas, Flavimonas, and Pseudomonas supports synonymy of these three genera.
  • DOI: 10.1016/J.RESMIC.2005.02.009
    Ait tayeb L, Ageron E, Grimont P, Grimont F (2005). Molecular phylogeny of the genus Pseudomonas based on rpoB sequences and application for the identification of isolates
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-35-4-467
    Kodama K, Kimura N, Komagata K (1985). Two New Species of Pseudomonas: P. oryzihabitans Isolated from Rice Paddy and Clinical Specimens and P. luteola Isolated from Clinical Specimens
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-37-3-245
    Holmes B, Steigerwalt AG, Weaver RE, Brenner DJ (1987). Chryseomonas luteola comb. nov. and Flavimonas oryzihabitans gen. nov., comb. nov., Pseudomonas-Like Species from Human Clinical Specimens and Formerly Known, Respectively, as Groups Ve-1 and Ve-2
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 12 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


Cannonical URL
Local history
  • Registered 26 days ago
  • Last modified 12 days ago
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