Strain sc|0019598

Strain numbers

ATCC 8093 = CCM 1077 = CIP 104402 = CIP 106821 = DSM 506 = IAM 12100 = IFO 12443 = IFO 14993 = JCM 20403 = NBRC 12443 = NBRC 14993 = NCCB 38019 = NCCB 81075 = NCIB 10456 = NCIB 9113 = NCIMB 10456 = NCIMB 9113
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 45477 T

Ancylobacter novellus (not Starkeya novellaT)
Cultures (25)
ATCC 8093 = DSM 506 = IFO 12443 = CCM 1077 = IAM 12100 = NCIB 9113 = NCIB 10456 = CIP 104402 = IFO 14993 = NCIMB 9113 = NCIMB 10456 = CIP106821 = LMD 38.19 = LMD 81.75 = KCTC 2845 = NCCB 38019 = NCCB 81075 = NBRC 12443 = NBRC 14993 = BCRC 13031 = CCRC 13031 = NCIM 2858 = BCRC 17550 = CCRC 17550 = JCM 20403
Other Designations (1)
THI 031
Sequences (5)
Associated Publications (9)
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 2 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


Cannonical URL
Local history
  • Registered 15 days ago
  • Last modified 2 days ago
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