Stackebrandt E, Brambilla E, Verbarg S, Frühling A, Cousin S, Lünsdorf H
Methylibium subsaxonicum spec. nov., a Betaproteobacterium Isolated from a Hardwater Rivulet
Stackebrandt E, Fruhling A, Verbarg S, Busse H, Tindall BJ
Dissection of the genus Methylibium: reclassification of Methylibium fulvum as Rhizobacter fulvus comb. nov., Methylibium aquaticum as Piscinibacter aquaticus gen. nov., comb. nov. and Methylibium subsaxonicum as Rivibacter subsaxonicus gen. nov., comb. nov. and emended descriptions of the genera Rhizobacter and Methylibium