Strain sc|0020523

Strain numbers

ATCC 11874 = ATCC 23897 = BCRC 12169 = CBS 293.64 = CBS 683.68 = CCRC 12169 = CCUG 11122 = CECT 3258 = CGMCC 4.1084 = CGMCC 4.1706 = DSM 40005 = HAMBI 1067 = IFO 12852 = IMET 41381 = ISP 5005 = JCM 4152 = JCM 4633 = LMG 5971 = NBRC 12852 = NCIB 8851 = NCIMB 8851 = NRRL B-1285 = NRRL ISP-5005 = RIA 1102 = RIA 360 = VKM Ac-876

StrainInfo: SI-ID 13852 T

Streptomyces cinnamoneus
Cultures (25)
LMG 5971 = ATCC 11874 = ATCC 23897 = DSM 40005 = IFO 12852 = JCM 4152 = JCM 4633 = NCIB 8851 = NRRL B-1285 = LMG 8602 = CCUG 11122 = DSM 41431 = CCRC 12169 = IMET 41381 = NCIMB 8851 = VKM Ac-876 = CBS 293.64 = AS 4.1084 = CECT 3258 = AS 4.1706 = NBRC 12852 = HAMBI 1067 = BCRC 12169 = CIP 108152 = CGMCC 4.1084
Other Designations (31)
R Locci = ETH 13 355 = NRRL ISP 5005 = Benedict A-725 = RIA 360 = KCCS-0663 = ETH 23996 = KCC S-0663 = NCB 93 = ISP 5005 = IFO 12852 = RIA 1102 = ETH 13355 = Gordon 3664 = IMRU 3664 = IPV 1776 = BCRC 12169 = Waksman 3664 = CBS 683 .68 = PSA 85 = HMGB B904 = 3664 = RGB A-725 = DPDU 0093 = IPV 2013 = IPV 936 = KCC S-0633 = KCC S-0663 or KCC S-0633 = KCC S-0152 = CBS 683.68 = A-725
Sequences (30)
Associated Publications (7)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-50-3-1187
    Palmano S, Locci R, Firrao G (2000). Sequence analysis of domains III and IV of the 23S rRNA gene of verticillate streptomycetes.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-44-2-282
    Brenner DJ, Rodrigues Neto JR, Steigerwalt AG, Robbs CF (1994). "Erwinia nulandii" is a subjective synonym of Erwinia persicinus.
  • DOI: 10.1128/AEM.57.5.1468-1477.1991
    Stackebrandt E, Witt D, Liesack W, Kemmerling C, Kroppenstedt R (1991). Designation of Streptomycete 16S and 23S rRNA-based target regions for oligonucleotide probes.
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.02238-0
    Hatano K, Nishii T, Kasai H (2003). Taxonomic re-evaluation of whorl-forming Streptomyces (formerly Streptoverticillium) species by using phenotypes, DNA–DNA hybridization and sequences of gyrB, and proposal of Streptomyces luteireticuli (ex Katoh and Arai 1957) corrig., sp. nov., nom. rev.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-30-1-225
    Skerman VBD, Mcgowan V, Sneath PHA (1980). Approved Lists of Bacterial Names
  • DOI: 10.1016/S0723-2020(11)80234-1
    Witt D, Stackebrandt E (1990). Unification of the Genera Streptoverticillum and Streptomyces, and Amendation of Streptomyces Waksman and Henrici 1943, 339AL
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-18-4-279
    Shirling EB, Gottlieb D (1968). Cooperative Description of Type Cultures of STREPTOMYCES III. Additional Species Descriptions from First and Second Studies
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 15 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


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Local history
  • Registered 26 days ago
  • Last modified 15 days ago
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