Strain sc|0020721

Strain numbers

ATCC 23314 = CCUG 2081 = CIP 106737 = DSM 7048 = JCM 7852 = LMG 2122 = NCCB 26039 = NCIB 9039 = NCIMB 9039 = NCTC 10684 = VKM B-2058
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 13573 T

Aminobacter aminovoransT
Soil enriched with various amines
Cultures (23)
LMG 2122 = ATCC 23314 = JCM 7852 = NCIB 9039 = NCTC 10684 = CCUG 2081 = NCTC 2871 = CIP 106737 = DSM 7048 = NCIMB 9039 = CCM 4329 = VKM B-2058 = LMD 26.39 = NCCB 26039 = BCRC 15819 = CCRC 15819 = KCTC 12448 = KCTC 12352 = KACC 10888 = KACC 11259 = IAM 15264 = CFBP 6720 = ICMP 19884
Other Designations (10)
DelftEIII.9.11.1 = STM 2150 = Delft L383 = TK3001 = Delft E.III.9.11.1 = L383 = E.III.9.11.1 = USCC 2334 = den Dooren de Jong 26 = TK 3001
Sequences (3)
Associated Publications (2)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-52-3-835
    Kampfer P, Neef A, Salkinoja-salonen MS, Buss H (2002). Chelatobacter heintzii (Auling et al. 1993) is a later subjective synonym of Aminobacter aminovorans (Urakami et al. 1992).
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-42-1-84
    Urakami T, Araki H, Suzuki K, Oyanagi H, Komagata K (1992). Transfer of Pseudomonas aminovorans (den Dooren de Jong 1926) to Aminobacter gen. nov. as Aminobacter aminovorans comb. nov. and Description of Aminobacter aganoensis sp. nov. and Aminobacter niigataensis sp. nov.
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 5 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


Cannonical URL
Local history
  • Registered 16 days ago
  • Last modified 5 days ago
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