SeqCode Registry
cognitis nomina
Strain sc|0020837
Strain sc|0020837
Streptomyces fradiae
Strain numbers
ATCC 10745
ATCC 19760
BCRC 12196
= CBS 498.68 =
CCM 3174
= CCRC 12196 = CECT 3197 = CMI 61202 =
DSM 40063
= HAMBI 965 = HUT 6095 = IFM 1030 =
IFO 12773
IFO 3718
= IMET 42051 = IMI 61202 =
JCM 4133
JCM 4579
KCTC 9760
NBRC 12773
NBRC 3718
= NCIB 11005 = NCIB 8233 = NCIMB 11005 = NCIMB 8233 =
NRRL B-1195
= PCM 2330 = RIA 1040 = RIA 97 = UNIQEM 146 =
VKM Ac-150
VKM Ac-151
VKM Ac-152
VKM Ac-764
StrainInfo: SI-ID 63952
Streptomyces fradiae
LMG 19371 = ATCC 10745 = ATCC 19760 = CCM 3174 = CCRC 12196 = HUT 6095 = IFO 12773 = IFO 3439 = IFO 3718 = IMET 42051 = IMI 061202 = JCM 4133 = JCM 4579 = NCIMB 11005 = NCIMB 8233 = NRRL B-1195 = VKM Ac-152 = VKM Ac-764 = NCIB 8233 = DSM 46372 = IMET 40283 = HUT 6054 = VKM Ac-150 = VKM Ac-151 = IAM0083 = IFO 12174 = CBS 414.54 = CECT 3197 = KCTC 9760 = NBRC 12773 = NBRC 3439 = NBRC 3718 = NBRC 12174 = BCRC 12196 = HAMBI 965 = NBIMCC 2443 = NCIB 11005 = NCIM 2418 = NCIM 2419 = CDBB 1045 = CGMCC 4.0576 = CBS 498.68 = DSM 40063
Other Designations
IFM 1030 = PCM 2330 = RIA 1040 = RIA 97 = UNIQEM 146 = ISP 5063 = NRRL ISP 5063 = Boots FD276 = ETH 13472 = BootsFD276 = NRRL B1195 = KCCS-0579 = OUT 8322 = DSMZ 40063 = HMGB B923 = KCC S-0133 = Waksman 3697 = R-8739 = 3535 = WC 3535 = PSA 156 = KCCS- 0133 = CMI61202 = LMG 19371 QC06/02 = KCC S-0579 = LBG A 3013 = HMGB B 922 = ptcc1121 = PSA 61 = Lanoot R-8739 = ETH 28510 = MTCC 321 = KCCM 40075 = CCTM La 2925 = ptcc1195 = ETH 13363 = Waksman 3535 = PSA 81 = IMRU 3535 = FD 276 = IAW 83 = W-7-2
Gene Nucleotide:AY280750
Streptomyces fradiae strain ATCC 10745 RNA polymerase (rpoB) gene, partial cds
Gene Nucleotide:AJ786317
Streptomyces fradiae putative neomycin biosynthetic gene cluster, strain ATCC 10745
Genome Assembly:GCA_008704425
Streptomyces fradiae ATCC 10745 = DSM 40063
Genome Assembly:GCA_009834665
Streptomyces fradiae ATCC 10745 = DSM 40063
Genome Assembly:GCA_002119225
Streptomyces fradiae ATCC 10745 = DSM 40063
rRNA Operon Nucleotide:D44246
Streptomyces fradiae gene for 16S ribosomal RNA, partial sequence, strain: JCM 4579
rRNA Operon Nucleotide:DQ026630
Streptomyces fradiae strain NRRL B-1195 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
Genome Assembly:GCA_002154445
Streptomyces fradiae NRRL B-1195
rRNA Operon Nucleotide:AB184134
Streptomyces fradiae gene for 16S rRNA, partial sequence, strain: NBRC 12773
rRNA Operon Nucleotide:AB184776
Streptomyces fradiae gene for 16S rRNA, partial sequence, strain: NBRC 3439
rRNA Operon Nucleotide:AB184059
Streptomyces fradiae gene for 16S rRNA, partial sequence, strain: NBRC 12174
Associated Publications
DOI: 10.1126/SCIENCE.109.2830.305
Waksman SA, Lechevalier HA (1949). Neomycin, a New Antibiotic Active against Streptomycin-Resistant Bacteria, including Tuberculosis Organisms.
DOI: 10.7164/ANTIBIOTICS.39.128
Crameri R, Davies JE (1986). Increased production of aminoglycosides associated with amplified antibiotic resistance genes.
DOI: 10.1128/JB.58.2.229-237.1949
Waksman SA, Frankel J, Graessle O (1949). THE IN VIVO ACTIVITY OF NEOMYCIN.
DOI: 10.1099/00221287-129-6-1743
Williams ST, Alderson G, Sneath PH, Goodfellow M, Wellington EM, Sackin MJ (1983). Numerical classification of Streptomyces and related genera.
DOI: 10.1099/00207713-45-3-507
Ochi K (1995). A Taxonomic Study of the Genus Streptomyces by Analysis of Ribosomal Protein AT-L30
DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2672.1985.TB01431.X
Collins M, Alderson G, Goodfellow M, Minnikin D (1985). Menaquinone composition of mycolic acid-containing actinomycetes and some sporoactinomycetes
DOI: 10.1016/S0003-9861(51)80010-9
HIDY PH, HICKEY RJ (1951). The isolation of crystalline fradicin from fermentation media.
Outside links and data sources
StrainInfo DOI: 10.60712/SI-ID63952.2
about 2 months ago
StrainInfo API
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Local history
2 months ago
Last modified
about 2 months ago
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