Katayama Y, Hiraishi A, Kuraishi H
Paracoccus thiocyanatus sp. nov., a new species of thiocyanate-utilizing facultative chemolithotroph, and transfer of Thiobacillus versutus to the genus Paracoccus as Paracoccus versutus comb. nov. with emendation of the genus
Liu Z, Wang B, Liu Y, Dai X, Liu X, Liu S
Paracoccus halophilus sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment of the South China Sea, China, and emended description of genus Paracoccus Davis 1969
Harrison AP
Genomic and Physiological Comparisons Between Heterotrophic Thiobacilli and Acidiphilium cryptum, Thiobacillus versutus sp. nov., and Thiobacillus acidophilus nom. rev.