Strain sc|0021248

Strain numbers

ATCC 23202 = CBS 767.72 = CECT 3267 = DSM 40571 = IFM 1226 = IFO 13466 = ISP 5571 = JCM 4546 = JCM 4807 = NBRC 13466 = NRRL B-3379 = NRRL ISP-5571 = RIA 1427 = VKM Ac-929
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 389361 T

Streptomyces orinoci
Cultures (15)
ATCC 23202 = IFO 13466 = JCM 4546 = JCM 4807 = NRRL B-3379 = VKM Ac-929 = CBS 767.72 = CECT 3267 = KCTC 9870 = NBRC 13466 = BCRC 15173 = CCRC 15173 = CIP 108141 = CGMCC 4.1989 = DSM 40571
Other Designations (12)
IFM 1226 = ISP 5571 = RIA 1427 = NRRL ISP 5571 = Milano 1882 FI = Farmitalia FI 1882 = DSMZ 40571 = CEST 3267 = KCC S-0807 = IPV 1901 = FI 1882 = 1882
Sequences (6)
Associated Publications (7)
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF00406442
    Cassinelli G, Pennella P, Grein A, Orezzi P, Sanfilippo A (1967). New antibiotics produced by Streptoverticillium orinoci, n. sp.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-129-6-1743
    Williams ST, Alderson G, Sneath PH, Goodfellow M, Wellington EM, Sackin MJ (1983). Numerical classification of Streptomyces and related genera.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-44-2-282
    Brenner DJ, Rodrigues Neto JR, Steigerwalt AG, Robbs CF (1994). "Erwinia nulandii" is a subjective synonym of Erwinia persicinus.
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.02238-0
    Hatano K, Nishii T, Kasai H (2003). Taxonomic re-evaluation of whorl-forming Streptomyces (formerly Streptoverticillium) species by using phenotypes, DNA–DNA hybridization and sequences of gyrB, and proposal of Streptomyces luteireticuli (ex Katoh and Arai 1957) corrig., sp. nov., nom. rev.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-30-1-225
    Skerman VBD, Mcgowan V, Sneath PHA (1980). Approved Lists of Bacterial Names
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-22-4-265
    Shirling EB, Gottlieb D (1972). Cooperative Description of Type Strains of Streptomyces: V. Additional Descriptions
  • DOI: 10.1016/S0723-2020(11)80234-1
    Witt D, Stackebrandt E (1990). Unification of the Genera Streptoverticillum and Streptomyces, and Amendation of Streptomyces Waksman and Henrici 1943, 339AL
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 18 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


Cannonical URL
Local history
  • Registered 27 days ago
  • Last modified 18 days ago
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