Vandamme P, Dewettinck D, Vancanneyt M, Pot B, Kersters K, Butzler J, Higgins R, Mels L, Vlaes L, Van den borre C, Hommez J, Hoste B, Goossens H
Polyphasic Taxonomic Study of the Emended Genus Arcobacter with Arcobacter butzleri comb. nov. and Arcobacter skirrowii sp. nov., an Aerotolerant Bacterium Isolated from Veterinary Specimens
Stucki U, Frey J, Nicolet J, Burnens AP
Identification of Campylobacter jejuni on the basis of a species-specific gene that encodes a membrane protein
On SL, Miller WG, Cornelius AJ, Vandamme P, Biggs PJ
A critical rebuttal of the proposed division of the genus Arcobacter into six genera using comparative genomic, phylogenetic, and phenotypic criteria